“Not today God” I say, as I roll out of bed after snoozing my alarm three times. “I don’t have much time and I have to exercise.”
I look at my Bible sitting on my desk and feel incredibly guilty. “Oh, maybe I’ll just quickly read something,” I say to myself. I flick open to the book of Psalms and scan the small chapter. Within seconds my Bible is closed again, the same way I found it.
I don’t actually remember what I just read, but I now have other things on my mind. I’ve moved on. Time to tick off other things.
“Oh man, I probably should pray. Say a few words,” I think to myself. So, I try to say something authentic and real, something that God will be pleased with. But nothing really comes, so I just don’t say anything.
Great. Now I feel like junk because of the guilt.
“Jesus forgive me,” I absently mutter.
Done. Wow, good effort Emily. A tick for you!
Quiet time complete.
Where is the ‘passionate about Jesus’ button?
For years, I have dreamt of a button, that when pressed in the morning, would awaken my passion and unwavering affection for my Saviour. Obviously, that button doesn’t exist.
But actually, a button does exist – and it’s called “just ten more minutes”. Tapping the snooze button mutes even the very best of my good intentions. And it makes ignoring God so simple. It dulls the night before plans, it feeds laziness, and can unknowingly (or knowingly!) seduce us into a spiritual sleep.
Now, the button isn’t the issue – it is our love for the button that is.
We so desperately love to sleep. And we were created to enjoy it. But often our sheets claim us as prisoner, preventing us from spending time with the great comforter of our souls.
Each morning we press snooze, our time with God becomes rushed, non-existent and thus, not necessary.
Called to get up!
I decided at the beginning of this year that I was going to make my quiet time a priority. I was going to get up early every day until it became a habit. Until my time with God was the most important thing.
No more would my snoozing limit my time with God.
Obviously, I still don’t get it right. But I don’t want to be called a “sluggard” when I face my Creator (Proverbs chapter 26, verse 14), whose snoozing prevented her from giving her first fruits.
I want to have a heart on a fire for my Saviour, not my sleep.
He deserves our wakefulness
When we snooze, God becomes uninteresting and unworthy of our time. The God we say no to in the morning is distant, not present, cold. So, we pull those sheets up higher where it’s warm and roll over.
Don’t get me wrong. God wants us to sleep! But the God who calls us to get up and do something, is the King of kings and Lord of lords. He deserves our wakefulness.
As soon as a friend texts me about going to brunch I am immediately up. Some of us want to get up to go for that long run. And yet, as soon as we know that waking up may be associated with spending time with God we roll over. Isn't that just like throwing scraps in his face?
How unbelievable to think that the whole of Heaven is crying “Worthy!” over and over again (Revelation chapter 5, verse 12), and we, his children on earth reply with a snooze button and a comment like “not today God”.
You satisfy me in the morning
Waking up in the morning is not about ‘having to read your Bible’; it’s about finding true life.
Psalms chapter 90, verse 14 puts it better than I ever could: “Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.”
God gives. God satisfies. And he meets us with new mercies each morning (Lamentations chapter 3, verses 22 to 23). He waits expectantly, patiently, eagerly – drawing us closer to his heart.
You won’t miss that 10 minutes.
I promise.
Emily Black is passionate about writing and seeks to write raw, authentic, and timely pieces that disturb and comfort, engage justice and fundamentally empower. She is currently studying a Bachelor of Arts at The University of Melbourne and actively desires to pursue a life of untainted freedom through Jesus Christ.
Emily Black’s previous articles may be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/emily-black.html

Emily Black is passionate about writing and seeks to write raw, authentic and timely pieces that disturb and comfort, engage justice and fundamentally empower. She is currently studying a Bachelor of Arts at The University of Melbourne and actively desires to pursue a life of untainted freedom through Jesus Christ.Emily Black’s previous articles may be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/emily-black.html