The 2020 young writer conference happens on Saturday 12 September at the Living Temple Christian Church (Tugun Baptist) which is situated adjacent to the Gold Coast Airport.
Every interstate young writer has a letter from Well-Being Australia chairman of the conference purpose of their day visit to the Gold Coast along with their Qld Government health form which allows them into Queensland.
The reality is that there will not be as many attending in 2020 due to Covid 19 travel restrictions. There are unlikely to be any Kiwis due to international flights bubble between New Zealand and Australia still not functioning.
The One Day in Melbourne group will not be participating for obvious reasons. Some from South Australia may feel uncomfortable travelling to Queensland due to the heavy duty health checks either end. .
The conference will essentially be attended by Queenslanders. The lunch (across the road) is Hungry Jacks and McDonalds and 100 yards are the Tugun Shops - coffee, sandwiches, hot lunch.
Morning and afternoon tea provided by the LTCC facility.
A video will be taken of the Annual Awards and only a conference overview video done by our annual video person Bridget Brenton.
The Internationals, Kiwis, the Victorians, Melbourne and Adelaide (Covid issues) will have Zoom available coordinated by Jesse Moore from the Sunshine Coast.
The two morning plenary sessions will feature the CT Editor on Zoom and then the IT realities associated with on-line publishing and then Joseph Kolapudi one of our long term young writers on being involved in leadership mission and secular boards.
The afternoon sessions will feature small groups and then a joint meeting as in previous annual conferences.
Annual Awards
4.00pm after the afternoon tea break are the annual young writer awards
Basil Sellers Award 18-30 years
Aust Over 31 Internationals Over 31
Theology and Youth Development and Sport
Tronson Awards and Senior writer – post Over 31
New Zealand
The conference closes at 5.00pm as in previous years.