Over the past 10 years Press Service International in conjunction with Christian Today Australia has invited young people 18-30 to write a Comment column once every 5 weeks for publication internationally.
So successful has this program been that last year ARPA – Australasian Religious Press Association – gave its annual premier award ‘The Gutenberg’ to Press Service International (PSI) for this 10 year youth literature ministry.
That is impressive. The young writers are a winning team. Astonishing.
Two things since
Two important developments have taken place since being awarded the Gutenberg.
A huge push went out that for 2020 the program needed everyone ‘31 and over’ to be incorporated into the Over 31s. Yes, quite a number ‘fessed up’ and are now in the Over 31s.
The second was Christian Today Editor David Chang keen to see the Over 31s who have been around a bit to become Senior Writers and not bring in additional older faces from outside.
These two factors has seen eight (8) Over 31s move to Senior Writers and at the same time a need to fill Weeks 1, 2 and 3 Australian young writers with additional young people.
There are 5 Weeks in each Cycle and 10 Cycles in a year. Each Week has a specific group of young people.
Week 1-3
Australian young writers
Kiwi young writers
4 senior writers each week
1 Sport article
2 Christian News
5 Dr Mark T - daily column
Week 4
International young writers
6 Kiwi senoir writers
Plus, Sport, Christian News, Dr Mark T
Week 5
Over 31s - Aust, Internationals, Kiwis
Plus, Sport, Christian News, Dr Mark T
We aim for 6 articles a day - 30.
Chasing young people
The program is chasing additional 18-30 young people to ensure the numbers are maintained in Weeks 1-3.
In the long term ensure they flow to the Over 31s and onto the Senior Writers.
Please connect with Press Service International - timeout@bushorchestra.com or ring 0419 917 713