In my archive I came across a article were listed 15 words Australians should stop using. Career advice experts at The Muse have come up with a list of words they recommend you drop from your vocabulary and the absence of these words will make you look a whole lot smarter.
This the list of 15 words to avoid
- that
- went
- honestly
- really
- very
- amazing
- absolutely
- always
- new
- literally
- just
- maybe
- stuff
- things
- irregardless
The reader is welcome to go to the link and ascertain why these words are 'dumb and dumber'.
That got me thinking as to what words evangelicals should be using for the winning of souls and the ministrations to those in need
15 words for evangelicals to use
As an evangelical these words are essential and central to be a follower of Jesus and there are a whole lot more words – this 15 list is nothing more than initial -
- Cross (Crucifixion)
- Wonder
- Grace
- Redemption
- Revelation
- Salvation
- Mercy
- Love
- Steadfastness
- Rock
- Forgiveness
- Hope
- Eternal
- Justice
- Resurrection
and on and on and on and on …..
Essential to Evangelicalism
These words do not have one single reference and specific meaning, these are lucid and rounded and flowing and has in them an abundance of joy and Christian charity.
Take for example
Cross (Crucifixion) - there are libraries full of wonderful books that give root and branch to the depths and splendour of the fullness and richness of the Cross of Christ.
Rock - the Psalms speak of the Rock which endures, the Rock as of the Lord, the Rock which is steady, and Jesus in his parable speaks of the foundation rock and the corner stone.
Mercy - this word has a wealth that is more precious that rubies and greater than a pathway made out of gold. The mercy of the evangelical from the Scriptures is abundant and practical, puts shoes on the children of widows, friend of refugees …
Justice - there is no more meaningful and cherished word for the evangelical for it is in this corner where the poor man might come and be heard, it is in this place where the food of the rich man is shared to the joy of the community, this is where righteousness has a choir of angels ...
Forgiveness - this word overcomes mountains of fear and sorrow, this word covers a multitude of sin, this word spreads it swings like a giant eagle soaring above the dirt and filth of everyday eagerness for abundance. This word has eternity spelt within its sinews.
Salvation - this is a word that has the heavenlies in rapture and delight - it sends to the depths of despair those who cherish evil and darkness. This word carries with it the archangel's symphony which celebrates the redeemed into beautiful loving hands.
Need I go on …..
These are words evangelicals delight in for they speak volumes – these are the bread and butter of the wonder of the message of Jesus Christ.