I wish you would live as if you’ve fallen in love. I wish you would stand captivated by the beauty of creation by the Creator, counting all the blue shades that so prettily follow the sun and all those shades of the falling sun.
I wish you would catch those faint morning moons. I wish you would have days that flutter like butterflies. Close your eyes from time to time, hold those moments close to your skin before letting them go again.
I wish you would live like busy bumble bees, buzzing away in your necessary business. But don’t let tasks that are weightless compared to your passing life overshadow it. I wish you would find time for quiet hours of contemplation, meditation and internalisation.
Make time to express your heart to your loved ones. Search for adventures that will change your mind, journeys that will fill your brain, trips that will deepen your emotions through reading, travelling, conversing, trying new things outside your normal routine.
I wish you would live life smiling. I wish you would meet more and more people with love in their hearts, building precious relationships of trust with you. I wish they would warm you up in those cold days. I wish they would stick around in cloudy days, windy days and rainy days, sharing scarves, coats and umbrellas with you.
But sometimes
But sometimes they don’t. Sometimes they don’t stay. Sometimes they don’t see you, hear you or feel you shuddering in the cold, shouting in silence or crying in your heart. Sometimes, hearts do break. Sometimes, illnesses and deaths hit.
Failures, losses, sins and accidents destroy more than you can bear…and nobody is there. Nobody is there that truly seems to know the way it hurts, why the tears won’t stop, how the sighs become a habit. Nobody comes to fix it for you, patch up the consequences, make it all just a very bad nightmare.
Sometimes, God allows such scars. Sometimes they even create poisonous thoughts that cause doubt, resentment and unbelief, spreading like a virus inside you. They cover your ears, your eyes and your heart, more firmly each day.
Now the unseen God becomes the unhearable, the unhealable – nobody could help, fix or undo, so what is God? Who is God, but an unbelievable, distant voice somewhere over there?
Still, I wish
Right here – I wish you would hear that voice, penetrating your stone-cold heart and heal you, let alone your problems. I wish you would feel His close presence, speaking to your soul in His power through words, songs, people, ‘coincidences’ and miracles, realisations, nature and Himself.
Beloved, I wish you would not roll your eyes when I say that He never leaves you. He loves you too much. I wish you would know that.
I wish you would know that He loves, He acts and speaks more than you can ever imagine. I wish you would see, oh beloved, that everything – even those aching sorrows and growth pains – gloriously exists, moves and works in God, for the good of you called according to His purpose (Romans chapter 8, verse 28).
I wish you would experience the promised freedom that surpasses all agony and goes beyond this life, through Him (Galatians chapter 3, verse 22). I wish you believe how He knows you and understands as a perfect Father (Isaiah chapter 64, verse 8).
I wish you would fathom His unchanging faithfulness (2 Timothy chapter 2, verse 13), His unfailing love (Exodus chapter 15, verse 13) and graceful forgiveness (1 John chapter 1, verse 9). I wish you would taste the honey in His Words, the drippings of the honeycomb (Psalm chapter 119, verse 103). I wish you would realise that He is more than a religion, but a precious friend closer and better than any (John chapter 15, verse 15).
Beloved, I wish you would live as if you’ve fallen in love. In love with Him, thriving with a new passion, flourishing with a joy that trusts His beautifully perfect design. I wish you would radiate a deep love and a light that looks like Him, warming up everywhere and everyone around you.
I wish you would wonder about His character through the way darkness falls and countless stars create shining constellations. Ponder about His thoughts through the wind that plays with your hair, peel leaves off trees and pushes ocean waves.
I wish you would draw near to Him daily, amidst your busyness, your joy, your relationships and problems. I wish His love will overflow your cup, leading you into happiness beyond this world…into His Kingdom.
Sunny is a media student, a dreamer, a rider with a steady seatbelt in the roller coaster of her Christian life. You can easily find her lost in books, writing in her journal, crafting, sharing her awes in God and sneaking one too many chocolates in her mouth.