Many people feel the need to declutter their homes so that their environment reflects order and beauty. There are books on de-cluttering and how it blesses our soul, and how we thrive in ordered, minimalistic environments. Usually people do this de-cluttering when they move to a new house or spring clean but some people do this regularly by asking the questions; what do I need to keep and what brings me joy?
Imagine if we were to ask these same questions about our thought life, our habits and what food we put into our bodies? Would we continue to do what we’ve always done, or would we purge certain habits from our life?
I know for me that I have had to purge my life of many unhealthy habits and be intentional about what values I hold and therefore what I keep in my life. For years I have felt God wanted to teach me about how to be a godly wife – I am still learning! From the description of the Proverbs 31 wife, there has been four key principles God has been teaching and refining me in; organisation, resilience, resourcefulness and being a prayerful wife. These are what I am choosing to keep in my life and grow in.
I have realised in the area of nutrition, that in order to maintain a healthy diet I need to be organised! I need to invest time into making foods that will nourish my body. Every week I now make alternative foods before my week starts, so I don’t resort to buying junk food on the run. You only get one body, so I try make choices to look after it. A great health documentary I would recommend is called ‘The Magic Pill’, but there are many wonderful and informative books out there too.
I also fill out my weekly planner with all my commitments and to do lists, so I can keep myself accountable to achieving everything I need to do each week. This has helped me be intentional about how I am using my time and has consequently blessed my relationships such as my marriage because regular ‘date times’ are now part of my week.
Thought life
Another link for me to wellbeing is my thought life. I try to fill my spiritual tank each week by listening to scriptural teaching in my car on the way to work and attend worship, prayer and teaching nights at my church. The more I know the scriptures and what God says over me and my life, the more the doubts or fears of the enemy will lose power over me.
I like how the passion translation says in Philippians chapter 4 verse 8: ‘So keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honourable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always.’
Balance, values and priorities
We now live in community and our new season of running a creative house of prayer has begun, which means we now have the opportunity to run with all the good principles God has been teaching us about and weave it together to make a beautiful and effective life for Christ. God has gently taught me over the years that ‘it’s all about balance.’ My goal is to balance and run with God’s values and priorities for my life and honour him in the way I think, eat, love, work, rest, steward time and money, and play.
What are your priorities? Do they line up with your values? Do they line up with God’s values?
Everyone has different priorities that are important to their life. For me, intimacy with Jesus is the heart of all I am and if I go without this, my joy and peace seem to disappear and the life, energy and inspiration I have for areas of my life also fade. So, maybe it’s time to review and edit your life too - and see the good things that come from it.
Liana Monaghan and her husband Justin live in Glenelg with two friends, running a creative house of prayer and worship. Liana loves spending time with God at her piano, writing songs, walking along the beach, and works part time as a nanny. She has a passion for health and for prayer and loves to intercede for people and situations on Gods heart.