For anyone who loves the Disney Plus Mandalorian series, or is just interested in politics and scandalous news, I am sure you are well aware of the recent events that have occurred.
Gina Carano, who played Cara Dune in the Mandalorian, has been in the spotlight for some “provocative” and “insensitive” comments likening the Holocaust to US American society and politics. Due to this, she was fired by Disney/Lucasfilm and will no longer appear in the Mandalorian.
Now, whatever you believe or agree/disagree with is your business, however, let us take this a step further and analyse the situation that has caused quite a lot of division in itself.
Carano’s post wrote: "Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbours.... even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbours hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?”
Lucasfilm sent out a response saying, “Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable”
This is an interesting response from Lucasfilm, as it is giving a direct example of their own social engineering, highlighted in Carano’s statement, by choosing which political views they punish and which they applaud. Which they accept and which they cancel. Perhaps she hit a raw nerve there?
Freedom of speech
Freedom of speech has become such a delicate matter. People promote freedom of speech, but when it does not suit their own agenda or belief, they punish and silence others who speak the truth.
What happens when everyone is forced to think and believe in the same thing? What happens when no one stands up, even when faced with an angry mob, to defend others and speak out truth? We have seen what controlled thought does to countries. We cannot afford to allow ourselves to get to that point.
Pedro Pascal, the actor who plays the Mandalorian, also had a lot to say politically on social media but was much more left leaning. However, it aligned with what Disney and Lucasfilm believe and therefore it was allowed.
Whether a person agrees or disagrees with Carano’s comment, the right to freedom of speech still remains and it becomes a double standard when one person is allowed to say what they would like about a situation and another person gets fired for it.
Disney promotes and claims to support strong and freethinking women, but here we have a strong and freethinking woman who freely and, rightly so, spoke out about what she believes society and politics is like.
Because Carano had a different opinion and did not have the same thoughts, beliefs or agenda as Lucasfilm and Disney Plus, she was removed. What does this say to the world? — If I don’t like you or if I disagree with you, I will remove you. Sounds like a familiar dictatorship that we have witnessed throughout history before.
Freedom of speech has become subtly outlawed of which, in order for an opinion to become relevant and accepted, it must fit into the same box that society promotes.
What intrigues me the most about this, is that what she said is undeniable truth. I completely agree with every word. She isn’t being offensive or derogatory, she is pointing out fact and exposing society for being corrupt and undignified in their thoughts, actions and beliefs. She is speaking out about the familiarity of society mirroring past historical events to alert and bring attention to it.
Nothing riles me up more than when someone is silenced because they spoke out about something – whether I agree with them or not. We are all entitled to our own opinions and freedom of expression of thought and belief.
The moment we allow people, Governments, celebrities and the like, to dictate and decide our freedoms, is the moment we lose them. Our freedoms are as precious as glass and if placed in the wrong hands it can be destroyed.
The Bible says in Acts chapter 18 verse nine and ten, “And the Lord said to Paul one night in a vision, “Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent, for I am with you, and no one will attack you to harm you, for I have many in this city who are my people.”
We cannot remain silent on the truth, we cannot allow little voices to override our right to express those truths, and we especially cannot allow ourselves to be defeated when they try to silence us and shut us down.
Proverbs chapter 31 verse eight and nine says, “Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
Do not sit in silence. And if this situation or situations like this bother you, then speak out about it. Make some noise.
As long as there is breath in my lungs, I will speak the truth no matter the opposition.