I’m unsure if this is just a symptom that comes along with being in my twenties, but I’ve often caught myself agonising over what God’s plan is as of late. It seems as though every few months, I’m at a crossroads once again needing to make tough choices that feel like heavy weights on my shoulders.
I crave to be within His will for my life, and perhaps that complicates what should be simple decisions. I strive to figure out the best way to hear from Him, along with if my inquiries are even necessary at all, and before I know it, I’m more lost and confused than ever before.
As Christians, you’d think it’d be easier for us to navigate these questions, yet I believe we’ve made it more difficult than it needs to be.
His will versus free will
I’ve noticed that amongst Christians, there’s various feelings and opinions regarding how best to consult the Lord. Or, even if it’s necessary at all for that matter.
Some feel that God doesn’t sweat the small stuff, or much at all about our seemingly insignificant decisions here on Earth. But rather that we should simply focus on actively moving forward, not ceasing too often to consult Him.
On the other side of the spectrum, I’ve seen Christians laying every single choice before the Lord, asking for His confirmation and approval constantly.
In all honesty, I’m unsure which is the best option of the two. I do believe that the Lord has a purpose for us here on Earth, but He’s also given us the gift of free will that allows us to choose everything for ourselves.
Thus, my confusions over the past few years as I’ve sought the Lord for guidance.
So, perhaps the answer lies somewhere in the middle: not agonising over every decision, meanwhile also seeking out the Lord for confirmation at times.
Guideposts for seeking His will
Although I definitely don’t have it all sorted out, I have a few guideposts that have led me through tough decisions as I’ve sought after the Lord, desiring to remain in His plan. It feels as though these guides keep me in the middle of the spectrum I mentioned earlier, ensuring I don’t fall off the deep end.
For starters, a particular verse that the Lord always seems to bring to mind when I become overwhelmed while asking Him for guidance is in 1 Corinthians, chapter fourteen verse thirty-three. It reads, “For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.”
It serves as a simple reminder that the Lord does not aim to confuse us, especially when we’re seeking after Him wholeheartedly. It truly brings us back to centre when we may be feeling lost and confused over what to do.
Another tidbit we must keep in mind as we seek after the Lord’s will or answers, is to remember that God speaks in so many ways.
When seeking Him, I catch myself waiting for Him to speak in the ways that I want or expect, when in reality there’s a multitude of mediums the Lord can use to answer our inquiries.
A final guidepost I often lean upon occurs when I reach a point where I simply need to be in a state of surrender. This is where I often find the most peace, and it happens when I feel God urging me to simply make a decision, and take a leap of faith.
Walking by faith
At the end of the day, we are called to be faithful. The beautiful hymn, “Trust and Obey” often rests in my mind when I take a leap of faith after seeking out His blessings and purpose.
It really can be as simple as that sentiment when we’re seeking out the Lord’s will for our lives, especially during seasons where we’re at a crossroad.
So, whatever choice you may be facing, rest assured that your Father knows your desire to be within His will, and trust Him always.
Miranda Menelaws is a Canadian freelance writer. During her spare time, she can be found travelling the globe in search of a new story to tell, or writing about her adventures on her blog.
Miranda Menelaws’s previous articles may be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/miranda-menelaws.html