Just two short months ago, the United States of America witnessed a very controversial election. Millions of people came out to vote, many news stories came out regarding fraud and as things progressed, instead of examining the facts and being honest…. news outlets and lawmakers facilitated an environment ripe for anger, strife, division and injustice.
Just a week into President Biden’s tenure millions of Americans have already lost their jobs, abortion clinics around the world are receiving US taxpayer’s dollars and the people of God continue to argue venomously over which candidate was God’s chosen.
I don’t know about you, but I’m weary and hurting. Injustice does not sit well with me. As far as my research and reading leads me, I have seen that adult Americans over the age of 35 and especially American business owners do not approve of Biden’s “election” and certainly feel his new executive orders are hurting the American people more than healing a battered economy.
But that’s not where the anger lies. The anger comes from the climax of years of manipulation and lies from mainstream media, Big Tech, Social media and the ignorance of a younger population riding on the waves of emotion while craving for acceptance from their friends to the point they forsake truth and integrity.
My emotions have been raging. In case you have not read through the lines, I am a conservative supporter of President Donald Trump and I believe deeply that he was unjustly robbed of a second term. I am further frustrated by the lies and cover-ups in the mainstream media that results in making those of us who cry “injustice” and “fraud” as conspiracy theory creators totally uninformed and out of touch with reality.
The sad truth is many are hurting. Many were lied to. The church is hurting. Leaders are divided. Many in the church believe that Biden represents racial healing, peace and decency while I believe he represents death, lies and darkness. They don’t know the truth. They have been deceived. And those of us who truly mean well and stand for righteousness are called racist and crazy because the leader we support has unfairly been the target of an ugly and evil vendetta for the past 5 years. By associated extension, his supporters also receive their fair amount of persecution. (just go to a family dinner and say you support Mr. Trump, you will see hostility at the dining table).
What do we do??
How does the healing begin??
If the church believes healing will come from a new president. They are wrong. Biden cannot heal this massive wound in the world. He certainly cannot heal the church as his agenda will never include ministry toward broken souls and reconciliation between brothers and sisters in Christ. He doesn’t even care about racial healing for that matter.
Can Trump heal the church??
I doubt it. He was president for 4 years. Although his agenda supported the freedom of religion and sanctity of human life, his office was never designed to be the Hand of the healer. His office was designed to be president of the United States.
We must realize that looking to a political figure can never solve an issue that is deeper than policy and law-making.
Our solution lies within God because our problem is a truth problem. A worldview problem. Who do you say is your God?? Culture?? The acceptance of friends and family?? Or the King of Kings??
Many church leaders have shown their hearts by idolizing acceptance of the crowd instead of standing for what is right.
Our healing lies in truth. Which is often the most difficult thing to face, sadly.
Healing therefore comes from:
The bible and a deep understanding of the heart of God.
The God of the bible spoke of pride and how dangerous it is.
He spoke of not judging person based on outward appearance, as He looks at the heart.
He spoke of not judging issues by the flesh and worldly values.
He spoke of submission, to the elders, the prophets and the law of the land.
He spoke of protecting the innocent and his hate for the shedding of innocent blood.
He spoke of not being quick to be indoctrinated with philosophies contrary to the bible.
He spoke of being empathetic towards those still on spiritual milk and being patient, gentle and understanding so they would not abandon the faith to which they have been called.
He spoke of standing for truth but speaking it in love.
But of all things, He spoke to us about a life after this one where all tears will be wiped away. A life where all frustration, anger, malice, racism, murder, stealing, rioting and lying will cease.
The answer to our political and racial divide as a church lies in remembering we are not residents of the earth, but mere visitors on a mission to deliver light to a culture in deep darkness and despair.
We must not believe our home is here. Else we will crave the acceptance of the world to the point we stifle the truth. But in the end, we will be forfeiting our purpose, which is to be salt and light.
We must unite based on the Word of God and not on the news, culture or secular philosophies.
We must prepare for opposition in standing for truth, and remember we are working for a Commander in Chief that has power over every king on earth. We work for the king of Kings and must align our purposes and views with His, else we win the approval of the world but forsake the greatest honour in the universe, which is to be called a man, or a woman, after the heart of God.