Elizabeth Dunlop
Press Services International

Elizabeth is a student of Applied Behaviour Analysis and Special Education, a proud public speaker at Toastmasters International and budding entrepreneur. In my free time, she loves reading, cycling, crocheting and most recently, mastering cuisine in the kitchen. Her life’s ambition is to own an international non-profit ministry focusing on eliminating poverty in Africa and Asia as well as ministering mental and emotional healing.
Love Unconditional
Do you believe that God loves you unconditionally? Take a moment and be honest with yourself.
He restores my soul
I have been falling deeper and deeper in love with Gods word recently. The precious promises in the bible that I have been finding and leaning on have become like a sweet fragrance to a desperate soul.
The pain won’t last forever
Not too long ago, I was in pain. Major emotional pain. In fact, I was in such shambles that I believed my life was over and the pain I felt would be something I would have to live and deal with forever.
The only way out is through forgiveness
Recently, as I scroll through my Instagram feed and suggestions, im grossly turned off. I can’t count the amount of horrible “mental health” advice posts anymore. It seems to me that everyone is encouraging you to implement “boundaries” and count the times you have been hurt, used and abused.
Understanding others to heal
Marriage or Mirage?
Master the art of Failing
In order to succeed, you must master the art of failing.
Lost Treasure
As I reflect on my own life and the lives of those around me, I’m finding some fascinating revelations. One has to do with singleness and marriage. When I was in my late teens and very early twenties, all I yearned for was a mate.
Who told you that you’re beautiful?
Living in this world but not being of the world is a command Jesus charged us with. However, it is very hard. Well, in our generation at least.
Know Your Authority, Know God
In our modern day church culture, many have come forward claiming to know Gods word, but having no great effect. I wonder why. If someone knows God, knows about Gods love, believes in God’s power and confesses these things…why are they not effective in life? They usually are stagnant throughout their spiritual walk. Sometimes all their lives.