I would treat the sky as if it is the biggest swimming pool and dive into the air. The wind would touch every hair on my body, letting them dance as they never did before.
I would peep at baby birds crying for their feed as tree branches hug their nests, soar high to reach the tallest mountain tops crowned with snow and count every puffy clouds I would jump into. Oh, if I could fly as free as birds, I would be wild!
Next to teleportation and the ability to communicate with animals, my all-time-favourite superpower I wished for as a child was the ability to fly. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be like those birds that travel so effortlessly by air? Aching legs and traffic jams would be old news if the transportation system of ‘wings’ was accessible.
In the Big Bird
I guess with similar hopes, inventors fervently searched for ways to make their big dreams into a reality and eventually perfected the wonderful aircraft systems. Thanks to their intelligence, passion and visions, nowadays we get to ride inside a big ‘bird’, travelling around the world and experiencing the views of our feathered friends.
Yes, the views! Although airplane rides aren’t my favourite, I truly do enjoy the birds-eye-view. Even now as I am writing this article, I am ‘flying’, looking out my small box that lets me see lands and the sky like I would never on feet.
You’ve probably also seen it many times too. The flat green spaces, blocks of multi-coloured buildings, some orange lands, patches of water amongst them and clouds that hover above them all.
The view is somewhat magical to me, as it feels like I get the opportunity to view the planet earth from space. Watching the tallest buildings and the widest rivers become so small, I turn speechless.
As much as I know that God resides in Heaven above, I also know that God’s-eye-view isn’t limited to this bird’s-eye-view. But every time I get to see what I see on a plane, I become a little sombre.
Nature always have a splendid way of humbling me, especially with its immensity. But as I know God is so much bigger than anything that I will ever see, I am put in awe each time this small rectangle box displays the truth of this planet I reside in.
The Truth
This truth is that it is so small. The vast ocean, the great greens, the magnificent landmarks, humongous mansions, expensive cars, luxurious shopping malls and those pair of shoes I keep thinking about, are all so utterly small. And if such great things are in truth, ‘small’, how tiny and insignificant am I?
But this tiny human that you cannot even see when you hop on the ‘big bird’ is made with so much care.
From the way we are formed and carried inside our mothers’ womb to the way our heart pumps blood even without our own control, we can easily see just how beautifully and carefully each and every one of us were made – “…I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm chapter 139 verse 14).
The Love
However, this isn’t the most surprising part.
The biggest and the most magical truth about us is that the God who created every intricate detail of the human body, the birds, every petal and leaf, mountains and clouds and elephants and beeswax, all the planets and starts and space that carries them all, came in the form of the tiny, insignificant and weak human body two thousand years ago.
He loved such small creatures, He not only made the whole world and gave it to us but also lived among us. With our so very sinful natures and blinded eyes, we could not decipher this Truth and nailed Him to the cross.
But with perfect love, He forgave and still forgives today, welcoming everyone who wishes to abide in Him and hope for the reunion we will have one day.
Looking unto the mysterious and splendid nature David often found himself in, no wonder did he mutter, “What is man that you are mindful of him?” (Psalm chapter 8, verse 4a).
With the tremendous development of technology, we today see more than David ever did. With the coming and ascending of the Messiah already taken place of and recorded in the Bible, us today know more about the most glorious Truth David only got a hint of.
So, what shall we say as “the heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge”? (Psalm chapter 19, verses 1-2).
We can only praise God’s breath-taking work, and sing along with the Psalmist – “Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; may Your glory cover all the earth” (Psalm chapter 57, verse 5).
Sunny is a recent graduate, a dreamer, a rider with a steady seatbelt in the rollercoaster of her Christian life. You can easily find her lost in books, writing in her journal, sharing her awes in God and sneaking one too many chocolates in her mouth.