Photo - Janna Cutler (nee Mills)
Queensland young writers have become well established in their numbers increased significantly in this past two years and we are celebrating.
The Press Service International young writer program in conjunction with Christian Today provide publishing columns for these young writers (18-30) - these young writers are mainly recruited through recommendations.
In any such ministry vetting becomes an issue where there are limited travel budgets and the process since our 2009 inception has been through recommendations by existing young writers.
They know the system backwards, recognise the publishing allotments, the 10 Cycles a year, the deadline dates, what Comment writing is about, and what are the taboos. It is much better coming from their connection although an “info pack” is sent to them.
This does not mean that from time to time someone from outside those numbers are not accepted, rather the preferred methodology is through recommendations.
Photo - Tom Anderson
Qld Young Writers
Week 2
Miranda Menelaws
Cartia Moore
Jesse Moore
Joseph Kolapudi
Anna Waite
David Lean
Week 3
Jo Fuller
Tim Price
Brent Van Mourik
Tom Anderson
Mayce Fischer
Week 4
Bridget Brenton
Caitlyn Furler
Jessica Currie
Hannah Edwards
Josiah Gray
Week 5
Zach Radloff
Leigh Clough
Laura Miles
Janna Mills
Jarred Pienaar
Liz Josic
Ashley Menelaws
Senior writers
Russell Modlin
Rebecca Moore
John Skinner
Sport writers
Wes Tronson
Josh Hinds
Celebrated roles
Russell Modlin a former young writer, now a senior writer is the ‘young writer representative’ on the Well-Being Australia Board.
Rebecca Moore a former young writer now a senior writer is the Week 2 editor.
Tom Anderson coordinates Week 3 and Tim Price editors Week 3.
Bridget Brenton coordinates Week 4 and Ashley Menelaws coordinates Week 5.
Photo - Wes Tronson
Special notes
There are several panellists from Queensland – these are the people who mark the articles for the annual awards
Australians 18-30
Vicki Nunn
Kandima Awendila
Laura Veloso
Internationals 18-30
Euan McDonald
John Skinner
Over 31s
Tim McDonald
Talisa Pariss-Proby
To express an interest in becoming a young writer, contact Dr Mark Tronson at or 0419 917 713
Photo - Hannah Edwards
Dr Mark Tronson is a Baptist minister (retired) who served as the Australian cricket team chaplain for 17 years (2000 ret) and established Life After Cricket in 2001. He was recognised by the Olympic Ministry Medal in 2009 presented by Carl Lewis Olympian of the Century. He mentors young writers and has written 24 books, and enjoys writing. He is married to Delma, with four adult children and grand-children. Dr Tronson writes a daily article for Christian Today Australia (since 2008) and in November 2016 established Christian Today New Zealand.
Mark Tronson's archive of articles can be viewed at