The same sex marriage plebiscite is revealing just how many Australians in the Christian faith are lukewarm and refuse to stand for the truth of the Word of God.
The Bible is clear that homosexuality is sin against God. This is clear in the Old and New Testament. God gave us marriage as between a man and a woman, to be joined as one before Him. Our Lord made it very clear He does not condone homosexual acts in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, given as an example to the world (2 Peter 2:6).
Jesus Christ came to earth to die for our sins, laying His life down in love to redeem us from sin and death by His shed blood, atoning for the sins of the world. By our faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord and God who is one with His Father and the Holy Spirit, we accept the gift of His sacrifice and His salvation. We receive the Holy Spirit of God to be born again as new men and women to walk after the Spirit and not the fleshly and worldly desires. Jesus died to save us from sin, not so we can abide in it and promote sin to others.
Scripture makes it plain
We are told in the Word that if we continue to wilfully sin after receiving knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins but a certain fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation, which will devour the adversaries (Hebrews 10:26-27). We are told in the Word to be dead to sin (Romans 6:11) and that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). We are told to abhor what is evil (Romans 12:9) and to love one another (John 13:34). This is not inconsistent, for we love and hope for all people, but hate sin and evil for we know it leads to eternal death. Jesus tells us that if our hand is causing us to sin to cut it off, for it is better to enter into life maimed, than having two hands and going into hell, the unquenchable fire (Mark 9:43). God is love, but God is also the righteous Judge (Psalm 7:11).
We are to live our lives for Jesus Christ, not for this world or to appease this world, for at the end of the day we will answer to our Lord and God Jesus Christ at judgment (2 Corinthians 5:10).
When Jesus tells us many who call Him “Lord, Lord” will be cast away from Him into hell for being workers of lawlessness (Matthew 7:21-23), how can any Christian in good conscience support and condone sin to be made the law of the land, to be encouraged and promoted to Australia’s youth?
Jesus tells us that if we put stumbling blocks before the children to make them sin, it would be better for us if we have a millstone hung around our necks to be drowned in the ocean (Matthew 18:6). How then can Christians in this nation support a law that will lead to the teaching and promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism to the young and vulnerable? How is the love of Jesus our Saviour being distorted and twisted to promote sin against God? How can any Christian who loves and fears their God vote to put such a stumbling block before the children of this nation?
Who do we fear - man or God?
As we have seen in other nations who have passed same sex marriage laws, religious freedom quickly suffers under threat of job loss and discrimination lawsuits, parents lose rights in raising their children and to what they are exposed to in schools, homosexuality and transgenderism is promoted in primary school and later ages of schooling, discussing and promoting materials, ideas and concepts entirely inappropriate for the youth. In these nations there is a new genderless push is to stop people from calling each other boys and girls, or men and women in colleges and universities. In Canada the Government now has the legal right to remove children from their parents if they disagree with their child’s assumed gender identity, calling this potential child abuse. Children as young as four in Australia are already being “transitioned” to the opposite gender.
The consequences of same sex marriage are wide and far-reaching to the morality of our nation, the family, Christian faith in Australia, men and women, and most importantly our youth who are already being sexualised through extreme Government sex education programs. How much worse will this be once same sex marriage is passed at law in this nation?
Stand up
Christians need to stand up for the Word of God and for the love of God, which is the salvation of souls by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not bowing down before the gospel of another, which promotes tolerance and acceptance of sin in the likeness of love. We have an opportunity now to speak out before same sex marriage is made the law of this nation.
Will we say to Jesus we stood by or even supported the promotion and acceptance of sin in this nation? Will we say to Jesus that we supported putting stumbling blocks before the children of Australia to cause them to sin?
We should not seek to appease this world for fear of its judgments, its attacks, its ridicule, job loss or worse. Let us as Christians fear the Lord only and not man, and be obedient to His holy Word.
Christians have an opportunity now to stand up for God’s Word and for what is right for this nation and its youth, but unfortunately many Christians are choosing to please the world instead of God.
Christopher Harris is a 27 year old from Victoria. He confessed his faith in Jesus Christ in 2016 and has sought to set his focus on the Lord. He makes videos on his youtube channel and believes the world is living in those times prophesied by the Holy Bible as the last days.