An associate in South Africa Terrence Hanafey wrote on the question regarding the 'day of judgement for the believer'. He says that all scriptures is inspired by God and essentially, in the Protestant tradition, interpretation is very much between you and God yet we are guided by a plethora of Christian teaching over centuries.
It is appointed unto man, once to die after this the judgement. Hebrews chapter 9 verse 27.
He therefore says he needs to tread carefully in these areas not to upset anybody but to explain the way he sees the Day of Judgement. Terrance says that he gleaned the the day of judgement from a life time of bible study.
Terrence Hanafey says this subject can be frightening and it has captured his very soul and motivated him everyday of his life to warn folks about this awful Day.
He continues: The unbeliever will stand before God and the books will be open and only those whose names have been recorded in the Book of Life will be accepted into the glorious kingdom of God.
The example of the rich man and the beggar Lazarus is a prime example in Luke chapter 16 verses 19-33. They both died and immediately were taken to their respective places of eternal abode. The rich man to hell and Lazarus to Paradise because Jesus who was telling the true story – he was not as yet on the Cross, and therefore as in the Old Testament, the righteous went to Paradise.
Hell incidentally is situated it seems in the centre of the earth. Here is the scripture to illustrate this. As Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the Whale so likewise the Son of Man (Jesus) was three days and three nights in the belly of the earth. (Matthew chapter 12 verse 40)
When Jesus died He went to the belly of the earth and marched in unexpectedly into Satan's kingdom and took the keys of death and hell from him.. He then proclaimed liberty to all the captives in hell (Luke chapter 4 verse 18), here the Lord gives the people in hell an opportunity to follow Him out of darkness, some went and some stayed (can you believe this?).
Jesus stepped over the divide
Jesus then crossed over the divide between hell and Paradise and marched all the saints out of the place and when He rose from the dead they all went up to heaven with Him. Paradise is empty now.
The judgement of the saints is a very precious and tender moment between Jesus and His children who needed answers and have questions to be explained just as to why the Lord did certain things especially taking of loved ones early in life – this is a major stumbling block for many.
The other aspect - Jesus bought every soul at Calvary, effectively every single human being has been saved, sin is a done deal we have been free from sin by Jesus. This the explanation:
However the gift of salvation although offered to all, every human being has a free will and God has allowed everyone to choose themselves to accept Christ – salvation is never forced on anyone but fiercely offered by every servant of God – this is my main purpose in this life is to spread the gospel to every creature - in fact it is a command but most believers see this as a calling to a commandment as a cop-out to excuse themselves of such responsibilities.
This question will be asked by Jesus who bought your soul on the Cross – why did the person who is sitting before Him did not spell out the "good news" to those God has bought before them.
Thereafter you will be tested by all your works (1 Corinthians chapter 3 verses 12-15) – your good deeds and bad deeds and based upon that result, you be allotted a place in the kingdom of God – I see it as a position in God's army - of course, I might be wrong but certainly the scriptures indicate that when Christ returns He will have His rewards with Him.
So in a nutshell there are actually two judgements
One judgement for the believers and called the judgement seat of Christ, i.e..face to face with Jesus and receiving your answers, rebukes and rewards and finally your position in God's army lets not forget Jesus will also show you where your home is in heaven that He personally built just for you. (2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 10)
The other are unbelievers judgements:- Revelation chapter 20 verses 11-15. This is everyone human being from Adam right up till the last human being ever created, together with Satan, the Anti Christ, the False prophets and all the angels that followed Satan and every demon in hell.
Once the human beings have been all dealt with – there is going to a lot of weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, then they all will ushered into the bottomless pit and banished forever away from God.
Once the judgement day is complete for both unbelievers and believers there will be a removal of all poisonous gases on every planet in the galaxy and new heaven and a new earth and creation will begin as it was in the beginning.
Before all this
Terrance Hanafey goes on: Before the great judgement day there will be a great purging on earth called the seven years of tribulation. Christ will return to take His bride and if you and I are ready we will go with Jesus and enjoy the marriage feast of the lamb in heaven. The earth will be run by the Anti Christ, the False prophet and all hell will break loose on earth for these seven years. (I can provide another study on this - it is very interesting)
Thereafter the Lord Himself will return with holy angels to destroy the enemies of Israel who have surrounded Israel. Then Christ will rule for 1000 year called the Millennial Reign from the new city in Jerusalem – peace will be on the earth for that period of time.
Satan is unleashed for a season then the great judgement day for the unbelievers-which all the saints and the holy angels will watch is absolute awe and fear.
These, says Terrence Hanafey, are my views on this sensitive subject - Christ has the right to judge us but for the believers it is more like one on one chat with our Lord - no condemnation ever! (2 Corinthians 5 verse 10).
Terrance Hanafey says - That seems like pretty good news to me.