The Internationals young writer ‘Roster’ occupy the people who ensure the internationals young writers run smoothly.
Since 2019 the international young writers have been ‘standing alone’ – this means they run their own program and are - pondering whether they might be forming a self operating Entity.
These are two very different things
‘Standing Alone’ is the daily operating of the young writer program. The Entity is that the international young writers take legal control of their operation.
International young writers – Canada, USA, West Indies, China, ambique, Nigeria, South Africa, New Zealand (Over 31s), Vietnam, Pakistan.
The Internationals Roster
Coordinators - these are the people who send the reminders of the due date their articles are due.
Editor - edits the articles
Photo selector - this person selects the photos for each article - sometimes a young writer sends in their own photo.
Facebook - these people upload the Kiwi articles to the Kiwi young writer facebook page and add a 1-2 line Overview.
Late comers chaser - this person sends an email to whomever is late with their article.
Over 31s - they have a separate team
Link to Christian Today - this person sends the packaged articles for the following week into Christian Today for publishing.
As an Entity - an additional task
International media - these people each day sends the international articles of the day to International Christian media.
The Entity
Instead of someone in Australia overseeing all this, after 9 years the international young writers casn stand-alone legally and take charge of their own program.
This will include when someone on the roster needs to take a break and for someone else to become engaged - the international entity will have someone for this role in helping that exchange of personnel.
Conferences can be run by the Entity – chasing new young writers will be part of the Entity’s function.
Answering questions and promoting the international young writers will be part of the role of the Entity.
An entity may be on hold while Covid 19 takes our focus.
The current roster
Coordinators - Josh Robbie
Editor - Mussita Ng
Photo selector - Josh Robbie
Facebook - an existing roster of internationals
Over 31s - Mussita Ng
CTNZ - Jason LaLone
The international young writer program runs smoothly due to these remarkable international young people.