I could easily bring you an update on the pastors being arrested in western countries. Or inform you of the churches that are being burnt and vandalized every day. But you can follow those stories yourself and do what you believe you must based on that information. This month I want to bring you some encouragement on how much someone can achieve despite their background or current challenges.
I watched a movie recently called A Candle in the Dark. It wasn’t a big budget production but I’ve long had a soft spot for low budget films that have a good story to tell. I was surprised at how good this story was. If you don’t already know the life story of William Carey this is your spoiler alert.
With so much evil being perpetrated in our communities currently it could be easy to say what can I do? This is why knowing history is so important.
William Carey was a cobbler. If someone asked you to describe someone who could change the world would you think of a shoe repairman? Maybe you’d think preacher, politician or a celebrity. So whatever you do to pay your bills do not discredit the impact you could have if you truly want to.
William Carey changed the world. He might have grown up in humble beginnings but he taught himself multiple languages. He lived from 1761 to 1834 so yes this was before the internet. He felt it his life mission to live out Matthew 28:18:20 and sacrificed much in doing so.
His family left their life in England behind to bring God’s love to India. After the death of one of their sons, William’s wife had a break down which she never recovered from. He buried 2 wives before marrying for a third time. Despite these losses he was instrumental in seeing the Bible in whole or in part translated into 44 languages and dialects.
The first degree granting college in Asia came into existence due to Carey’s passion for the locals of both genders and all castes to be educated. In the 41 years he spent in India he founded more than 100 rural schools for boys and girls. He now has schools named after him in Australia, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh.
This cobbler from England published the first Indian newspaper. Wrote dictionaries and grammars in 5 different languages and translated the Ramayana and Mahabharata into Bengali. He is also credited with introducing the concept of a savings bank to help Indian Farmers. All while facing opposition from locals and foreigners with a lot more power than him by societies standards. 200 years after his arrival in India the government issued a postage stamp in recognition of his achievements.
So if you are aware of the atrocities that are happening in your own community or in someone else’s and are thinking what can I do, I pray the life of Willaim Carey brings you hope and encouragement.
Regardless of what you are currently doing (or if due to government intervention no longer doing) to pay your bills, you could leave behind a legacy that hopefully future generations won’t try to erase.
Let your light shine for all the world to see, it could create a positive change in the world bigger than you are capable of dreaming of right now.
“Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God” William Carey