We live in a data driven world. This has a tremendous effect on the way societies are now governed and steered. Understandably governments are always on the hunt for more information and resource through which they can implement strategies for the progress of their nation.
In the past this meant politicians going out into the community and getting a feel for the sentiment and thoughts of the people. Shaking hands, asking questions, kissing babies, and even having a beer with the punters. Classic Australian images of former Prime minister John Howard at the cricket or even ex PM Bob Hawke skulling a beer to celebratory cheers come to mind.
Alas, this personal connection with the people is becoming a thing of the past in a merit and demerit tallying, socially distant, security conscious and critical atmosphere. Australian PM Scott Morrison recently admitted Australia is now part of a ‘less benign and peaceful world’.
Our leaders have wholeheartedly embraced the long-term vision of the U. N’s agenda 21, now known as Agenda 2030. With the introduction of the Covid-19 pandemic, which many now believe is a virus engineered, released accidently or purposefully, we have seen the accelerated implementation of every aspect of their data driven vision for the world’s future
The ideals of agenda 2030 are indeed lofty and seemingly righteous. Nothing overtly nefarious. They fundamentally believe that they can achieve total eradication of poverty, a more equitable and sustainable world, and a healthier population.
The documents describe not just some distant dream to hopefully come close too. They affirm their agenda as an absolute which will be achieved by the year 2030. A noble endeavour, but all that glitters is not gold.
Obviously, achieving this is not possible without a complete restructuring of the world’s economy and society as we know it, and the pandemic came just in time to begin radical transformation. The transformation of the world and its environment is spoken of in carefully selected words throughout agenda 2030 and the earlier agenda 21manuscript.
A subtle approach in linguistics is always beneficial for making extreme visions palatable. Most radical idealism that historically and continually fails still finds new adherents through the reading of the dogma behind it. Human nature being what it is, ideals and reality do not always bond well.
Societal reconstruction ??
Privacy and consent be damned, societal reconstruction and data collection has, like the search for a Covid-19 vaccine, entered warp speed. We are being told the whole building we have lived in is now beyond repair and must be demolished to make way for something new.
This is no conspiracy, I heard it many times on live W.H.O press conferences. The president of South Africa openly declared in a public address that the pandemic is a good opportunity to end the ‘colonial and racist economy’. By the actions of other countries a couple of weeks later, it seems that idea magically appeared in other places too.
Though there is nothing wrong with taking down an old faulty building, ethical dilemmas are faced if people are still living inside of it. You cannot just crush the occupants who call it home.
It takes time and a compassionate shepherd to move his sheep from one grazing field to another. Trust must be developed between them. As Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. (John 10:27)
It became evident during the pandemic this year that people of every nation waited anxiously to hear from their Presidents and Prime Ministers.
I noticed how just their voice had a calming effect for many people. I personally wished they would have made more independent decisions based on the knowledge of their own sheep and their countries unique challenges and culture. Instead, time after time, life altering decisions were made exclusively on alarmist data collected by UN branches and agencies.
UN vision of the future
If you look into the handling of the pandemic, and the agenda of the U.N, there is no doubt that the measures implemented are designed to morph with their vision of the future, regardless of unique national interests.
The data and models followed were frequently assumptive, wrong and way off the mark. Critique was silenced. Babel requires builders to speak one language.
In my last article I said we have moved into a minority report society. The health scare has re-orientated us away from assumed innocence toward assumed guilt. Prevention becomes punitive when guilt and sickness are presumed. The recent BLM protests and cancel culture in hyperdrive underscore my point. All white males are presumed carriers of colonialism and racism whether they exhibit symptoms or not.
Self-flagellation and apologetic grovelling are the only thing to exorcise the demon. Conversation is redundant, shouting from a distance is the new normal. Nobody wants to learn about one another through relationship, we just want to go to war with our information.
Data is never independent of a guiding hand and data wars are not fair when our information is being cornered into a small cell of pre-determined ideology. Participation in public now means shutting your mouth unless you are projecting politically correct points, even if it means endorsing fairy-tale claims that males can menstruate and get pregnant.
This banning of conservatism through cancel culture is creating a world where certain groups are not to be recognised and thus wiped off the system. This means that the data that is being purposely collected for world governance has had the size of its footprint manipulated in its favour.
The silent majority, which usually only made their presence known at the polling booths has now become the silenced majority. Isn’t it amazing that the same Europeans who have codified that indigenous populations deserve the right to full self-determination fought tooth and nail against Britain leaving the European Union?
The mainstream media, which in many countries often participates in what verges on treason, has much to answer for in the losing of our freedoms. 24/7 news is often nothing more than an ideological fight and fright, through endless statistics and numbers. Even viruses can be racist when your mental capacity is determined by data analysis alone.
Data collection and excessive surveillance is a loathsome task for all involved. Just ask King David’s army commander. A line and limit must come in at some point. Those who follow the beast are known by a number. I would rather follow the lamb and be known by name.