That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord", and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.. Romans chapter 10 verse 9.
My South African correspondent Terrance Hanafey sent me this powerful message and it was too good not to pass on in my daily column. First he enquires as to how we know God is blessing me?
Terrance says, I have had a lot of folks needing to know how to pray with their dying loved ones and the Lord has laid it upon my heart to share the simplicity of winning a soul to Christ with you all.
Firstly let me say that even though the person whom you wish to pray for, might not be a believer or might have never gone to church or even lived a life in which they never spoke about God or Jesus.
Every single human being whether they are rich or poor ,young or old, irrespective of their ethnic back ground or social status God loves everyone-there are no exceptions here.
If you have been or are ever in a situation even at a road accident or called out on an emergency to the hospital and the person is still alive ask them to pray this prayer that I have will have at the end (see below).
I have been called out to hospital beds where the dying person cannot speak or is in a vegetable state –they can still hear you and it is like you are the spiritual paramedic –come to administer life eternal to their immortal souls.
I also want to make it very clear that this has to be said by the person them self (confessing with their own mouth-not yours!) Also once the person is dead you cannot pray for them it is then too late.
Some folks have waited their whole lives just for someone (like you)to pray for them to receive Christ into their lives.
If you, yourself,have never personally invited Jesus into your life in a prayer like below and openly confessed that Jesus is Lord. You would be well advised to go somewhere very private and sincerely pray that the Lord forgives you and accepts you as His child.
May I remind you and I say this every bit of sincerity I can muster. If you do not invite Jesus into your life this side of heaven, then on the other side in eternity, when you are knocking on heaven's door –you will not be invited in.
Jesus said this
"Here I am!I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice,and opens the door,I will come in and eat with him,and he with me."Revelation 3;20.
Salvation Prayer
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank You Lord Jesus ,for dying on the cross for me. I ask you Lord Jesus to forgive me of all my sins and please wash me in Your precious blood. I confess You Jesus as my Lord and I am sorry I waited so long to invite You into my life.
Please come inside the door of my heart and live inside of me. Write my name in Your Lamb's Book of Life. I welcome You Lord Jesus as my King and as my best friend. I promise You Lord to serve You all the days of my life. I ask this in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ !
Most Important
As this is the most important prayer you will ever pray I recommend that you write it down or memorise it for future reference .
Remember dear family or friend, do not wait for a minister (like myself) or somebody else to say this prayer and I can guarantee you one thing.
You will have a joy in your heart like you cannot describe when you pray with someone and know that you have been instrumental in leading a precious immortal soul to God and ultimately towards heaven.
Thank you for reading this message that God laid upon my heart for you today.
Terrance Hafaney regularly sends me his messages and in our correspondence I am constantly encouraged by his manifest enthusiasm in seeing souls won to Christ.