I believe we have this one life to walk out the call of God on our lives, one opportunity, one chance, there is no going back. I have been getting convicted lately because I haven't been living with that in mind. Which is why I have written this!
I believe there will be some weeping when I get to heaven, when I find out exactly what God had for me to do. Don't get me wrong, I know there will be unspeakable joy... still a tear of sorrow over wasted opportunities, wasted gifts and talents.
This is not written to condemn, for there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. This is written from conviction as I was convicted, I am hoping this convicts others, leading to action for anyone that is hiding the gifts they have. Anyone that doubts themselves and thinks “what can I do”. Anyone that says “I don’t know what gifts I have been given”, anyone that says “there is no opportunity to use what gifts God has given to me”.
God will show you the way
We have a call on our lives, no matter how young or old, redeem the time. When we seek Him out he tells us what to do bit by bit, so we constantly rely on Him. He has given us gifts and talents that He wants us to use. If you haven’t found out already It's time to find out what they are and use them for His glory.
Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what they are and how to use them with Him. Search the scriptures about the Gifts, find teaching on the gifts from someone that is walking in them. Ask someone you know that is walking with the Lord if they see any gifts or talents on your life. Find someone with the same gifts and learn from them, watch them, ask them for help. If you have to, do one of those gifts tests online to get a general idea.
Our responsibility
Lately I have felt stagnant in that area, I know that when I stand before God I will be without excuse, I cannot blame a church for lack of discipleship. I have to take responsibility for the call and the gifts God has given me. Let’s take a look at some of the parable of the talents!
“For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightwaytook his journey. Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents. And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two. But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money.” (Matthew chapter 25 verses 14-18)(KJV)
After reading this you can see that all the servants that were called were given gifts, just as all who God calls are given gifts. Whether that be 5 or 1 we are still responsible for what we are given, may we never be the one who dug a hole in the earth and hid the lord’s money. If you want to see what happened to him read the rest of the parable of the talents from (Matthew 25:14-30).
Have you died to self?
I feel the Lord saying to me how much are you willing to die! How much are you willing to die to self and live for me? your life is not your own it was bought at a price and that price was his blood, his precious blood. Do not waste his blood that was given for you for your own selfish desires, don't you know that you died!
When we got baptized we died in that water. It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me. I was baptized 5 years ago and am only beginning to understand what that means now. I died, you died, the life we live we live to Christ not ourselves.
We die daily, that’s what picking up our cross means, there is no such thing as a Sunday Christian, it doesn’t cut the mustard. You are called for more, I am called for more. This life with God is 24/7, no weekends off and no holidays. You were born again, a new creation made in the image of God.
I believe there is a direct correlation between how much someone lives for God and how much they have died to themselves.
I know that God is telling me I was made for more than what I’m doing now maybe you are in the same place. In this place is a desire and willingness to do His will and to redeem the time He has given us.
Shane Rowney is currently living on the Gold Coast attending a local church. He enjoys surfing, gym and music but most of all spending time with his Father.