Dear Gabriel,
I cannot believe how quick time fleets – I can never catch up, though I try ever so hard. It’s truly as if time keeps a pair of wings in its closet, ready to fly off whenever I am not looking. This sneaky pal must be having a ball, as I am so easily distracted in this dazzling place.
The City of Lights truly boasts of its sights. There’s not a single place that does not glitter and gleam here, Gabriel. Everything shimmers, shines and sparkles, demanding your eyes, calling for your attention.
People drink in order to forget about things, but a day in this city would be stronger than any vodka. I have never seen so much colours, my friend. The rainbow would shy away should it come to have a peek at this great place.
But it would never, right? It never could. People here raise their eyebrows and whisper amongst themselves whenever I bring up anything about the Sun. Most have no clue about what it is, let alone a rainbow. Those that do know shush me, telling me to stop dreaming about such “mystical beliefs”.
They do not see how their city “shines” only because of their frightening darkness. They do not listen when I tell them that once the greatest Light of lights returns, tearing through their dark sky, nothing here would glow.
So their store lights, neon signages, glow-in-the-dark road signs and LED advertisement screens have become their ‘Sun’. They have countless of these, as buildings line up one after the other, packed tightly with restaurants, hotels, cafés, department stores, clubs, bars…and oh, the bridge! They have the brightest cars whizzing across it too, and it’s as if you are watching a magnificent light show.
…Perhaps that is why none of them seems to listen to me, Gabriel. I have tried over and over again to remind them of the world war and the Sun’s return. It seems to me that they are completely intoxicated both in their favourite beverages and their lights.
I have brought our Book to show them, introduce them about the Star and have shared numerous times about how the world war is progressing. But all they do is mock me, calling me a “crazy cult”.
Oh Gabriel, if only they could see! They have no idea that they are breathing solely because the Sun is still behind their curtain of darkness. They say that it is gone, only because they don’t see it. So, they satisfy their longing for light with their counterfeit creations.
The leaders here continually paint their citizens’ minds black as they ridicule the Star. All they talk about is how to make their city brighter to make it more attractive. They refer to it as “Lady Lights” and discuss ways of seducing tourists and clawing in more profit. “Peace, peace” they say, when there is no peace!
They have completely forgotten about the state of war that it is in and how quickly they will fall due to their ill-preparation. When other cities and countries are shedding blood as they fight tirelessly in this war, they laugh as they proclaim, “let us eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die!”
Oh, what should I do, Gabriel? What do I do with such a corrupt and unbelieving generation? How do I wake them up?
“Lady Lights” is too brilliant of a distraction, perfect to take away anyone’s eyes and ears. They claim that there is no night because there is no Sun that sets, unceasingly carousing in their revelry. They do not see that in this city where there is no night, everyone is as asleep as the dead.
Pray for me, my friend, and these blind men. Read my letter aloud at the general meeting so all the messengers can pray, too. Though I desire to fly back home, I know of my mission. I hope I will soon meet the hidden Rays of Sun amongst these men that will open their eyes and ears eventually as I continually proclaim the Reminder.
Bright blessings to you and all the messengers,