Who are you?
Do you know who you are?
If the answer is yes, then I sincerely love that for you. That’s a great feeling to have and a highly sought after one at that. And if you don’t feel this way, that’s okay too.
In fact, chances are you may have once felt it but feel it no longer. Not only is this also okay, but it’s completely human.
We change
After all, we are constantly changing.
Each day incapsulates moments of information and interactions that teaches us something new. These daily teachings introduces new knowledge, reveals hidden interests and restructures our mind.
The combination of it all results in the changing of our being and who we feel we are.
Shaped by Him
Yet, as Christians we know that this process is not executed by mere chance. As Christians we are aware that it is not the world that changes us but God whom shapes us.
In Jeremiah chapter 18, verses 1-5, God leads Jeremiah down to a potter’s house where he finds a potter working at the wheel. The clay with which the potter works is marred, but the potter is still able to form it into a pot, “shaping it as seemed best to him.”
God specifically leads Jeremiah to see this for a reason which is immediately clear to him as he hears God’s word.
Jeremiah chapter 18, verse 6
“He said, “Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?” declares the Lord. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel.” - Jeremiah chapter 18, verse 6
In this moment, God emphatically establishes a message for Jeremiah that God not only has him and his nation in his hands, but is able to shape them into something immeasurably greater than a pot of clay.
Does He establish this same message for you?
We’re His clay
As humans we are all marred, but it’s God who works with that and shapes us into something new. If a potter can form marred clay into a pot, then think about what God can do with you.
You might think you’ve already been shaped and formed. You may think the potter has finished and left you on a shelf. You may even feel you were too marred to begin with and were then discarded altogether.
But more than a clay pot
But you, my friend, are safely in His hands and are being worked on by the most masterful potter.
With immeasurable love, passion, and patience, the creator of the universe intentionally and purposefully spends His time creating and re-creating you.
This is not something He once did and was then done - this is something He continues to do.
It’s His good work
The reshaping of your being is not a process of the world’s but is the work of His. It is continuous and it is in you, through you and for you.
He is not finished and you are not formed.
You are not limited by your past, nor by the voices, experiences and expectations of this world.
You are a creation that was created and continues to be re-created by the most creative artist of all.
And He is doing so right now.
You are His art
So when you feel like you don’t know who you are, what you’re doing or where you’re going - go easy on yourself, recognise there is a living God working in and through you, and trust in His good work.
After all, to Him you could never be discarded clay.
To Him you are a piece of incredible art that He designed for this place - and He’s not done with you just yet.