Barry Kirby

Press Services International

Barry Kirby is a disciple of Jesus Christ, living in relationship with Father God, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Barry works and worships with the Salvation Army based in Wellington, New Zealand.

  • Modern life of Joseph...with some creativity

    My name is Joseph. Growing up I lived on a farm with my twelve brothers. My dad, Jacob, married twice - once out of obligation and once for love. As anyone that has grown up in a big family would know, life can be hard.

  • Spring Cleaning 

    I came home 2 weeks ago and there were clothes everywhere! Natalie was doing a big spring clean. She had a keep pile, a get rid of pile and a maybe pile.

  • Reflections on Christmas 

    Christmas can come and go so quickly, often we hear the same Christmas story at church as we do every year. The Christmas story is a very powerful and significant event in the life of Christians but it can become mundane too. 

  • The Journey to Living in Freedom 

    In the church there isn’t a lot of conversation around lust, pornography and masturbation. It’s one of those awkward topics but it's something that many men and women struggle with. This is definitely something that’s not easy for me to talk about either, but it needs to be.

  • Stepping past Jesus

    As the sun’s rays are beaming down on us, we can feel the warmth of the day. The path is lined with flowers of every species and colour. As we gaze to our left and right, we see reminders of the life Jesus lived.