Brandon Tsang

Press Service International

Brandon Tsang is a Sydney-based writer currently working in IT. He studied Marketing and Economics at UNSW and loves to spend his spare time hiking, playing volleyball or watching Netflix.

 Brandon Tsang’s previous articles may be viewed at

  • The discipline of rest

    My alarm rings for work and I hit the snooze button to sleep for another 10 minutes. I do this three times before realising that I am going to be late for work if I do not get out of bed.

  • Wholesome Sundays of fellowship and Gospel

    Do you ever wonder what other people’s Mondays are like?

  • The tolerant mercy of an intolerant, just God

    Christian truths, values, teachings and practices have often been criticised as intolerant by both non-Christians and people within Christian circles.

  • What is Christian tolerance?

    Christian truths, values, teachings and practices have often been criticised as intolerant by both non-Christians and people within Christian circles.

  • The intolerance of Christianity

    Christian truths, values, teachings and practices have often been criticised as intolerant by both non-Christians and people within Christian circles.

  • Choosing for the glory of God

    When I chat with university graduates who recently join the workplace, in the first 6-12 months the conversations are generally positive.

  • Technology, media and escapism

    Like many Australians, to relax after a day of work, I would either watch a movie on Netflix or play video games.

  • Lean startup churches

    Churches face conditions of uncertainty every day, whether it comes from the changing demographics of the local neighbourhood to the different questions and topics that people ask about Christianity.

  • Denominations and unity

    The Bible speaks of a strong unity among Christians. We are all united under Christ, through the Spirit to form one ‘body’, although each plays a different part.