Jak Hardy
Press Services International

Jak Hardy is the Founder of WorldChangers Global, an innovative not-for-profit tackling development through education. A leadership, development, and policy consultant, Jak aspires to be the world’s leading voice on the health benefits of Nutella. He holds a Diploma of Ministry, has trekked through a valley, discarded degrees in law, theology and politics, and is completing postgraduate business at the University of the Sunshine Coast.
I’m a straight, white, Christian male. I’m an accidental advocate for women’s leadership. And in light of all the indignities of 2018, I wanted to share some thoughts.
The Most Important Woman (Part 2)
In Part 1 of this article, we read about the Queen of Sheba, whose wonder and awe changed a continent. And there were three things that she witnessed that drew her eyes to a higher purpose – and will do the same for us.
What is joy?
Galatians chapter 5, verses 22-23, where we find the Fruits of the Spirit, uses the Greek word χαρá (“chara”) for ‘joy’, which translates almost directly in the Hebrew. It has the same root as ‘Christ’ in χαá½·ρω (“chairos”).
The most important woman (Part 1)
Who is the most important woman in your life?
Hunting for good will
If there’s one story I was sick of hearing, it’s this. I learned it at School. I learned it at Sunday School. It featured in every second sermon and every third rebuke. It’s the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
Joy Defined, Joy Secured
Galatians chapter 5, verses 22-23, where we find the Fruits of the Spirit, uses the Greek word χαρά (“chara”) for ‘joy’, which translates almost directly in the Hebrew. It has the same root as ‘Christ’ in χαίρω (“chairos”).
Girls, goals, games and God
I’m a straight, white, Christian male.