Who is the most important woman in your life?
Your wife? Daughter? Girlfriend? Mum? The Dominos delivery driver you see far too much of?
Your answer should be: The Bride of Christ.
God’s Church is THE most important body and business on Earth. In fact, He valued it so much that Jesus died for it (Ephesians chapter 5, verse 25).
Yet I see so many believers living WITH her, and yet living APART from her. And they wonder why their plans are failing, prayers are unanswered, and peace is fleeting. Because God is focused on this alone: redeeming creation and reconciling His children (Ephesians 3:9-10). How? Through His Bride, the Body of Christ.
Like a marriage counselling guidebook, here are three starting points to evaluate the health of your relationship with Christ’s Bride.
Do you GO TO CHURCH? #GoToGrow
If you lived a churched childhood, you’d have been taught that Church is compulsory. And if you didn’t—you probably knew someone who was forced against their will to skip soccer and go to Sunday School.
God tells us in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 25 that not only is GOING TO Church important for others’ wellbeing—it’s vital for our own spiritual survival.
“This is not the time to pull away and neglect meeting together, as some have formed the habit of doing, because we need each other! In fact, we should come together even more frequently, eager to encourage and urge each other onward as we anticipate that day dawning” (Hebrews chapter 10, verse 25, TPT).
Our world is riven by discord, devoid of values, and veering towards hell. There’s no two ways about it. And God has created a space where His love, wisdom, and entire plan for redemption is housed. His manifest presence in the Body and Bride of Christ. And yet we act like we have the OPTION to attend Church, and that the Church is LUCKY to receive us once a month.
Sure, we have the free will. But we don’t get the OPTION. We have the
RESPONSIBILITY. Jesus will return for His Bride. Not for you. For His Bride, collectively. Will you be with Her when He comes on those clouds with fire?
Do you GROW IN CHURCH? #SheNeedsToSortOutHerPriorities
Once we’ve figured out that we’ve got to spend time with Her, we realise that we’re punching WAY about our weight. She’s beautiful. Imperfect, but being perfected. So, we’ve got to address our own growth. That means our ears are tuned to Christ, our eyes on God’s hand, and our own hands extended in generous love and extravagant worship. In short, realising that we’re just a tiny part in an enormous, ancient, eternal masterpiece.
Note that at no point does Paul talk about “being filled”, “responding to leadership development”, or “getting a role that fits with our passion for ministry”. At every point, Paul directs us to be like Christ—addressing issues of truth with love, giving, and in giving, being held by the generosity of others.
God’s supernatural law is that as we do our part in emptying and giving, He’ll do His part in filling and living. In fact, in Hebrew, the word for
righteousness is the same as the word for generosity! To become like Christ, we have to empty ourselves for His Bride, just as He emptied Himself for her!
Do you GROW THE CHURCH? #DressToImpress
Okay, so you know that you’ve got to spend time with Her, and continually improve yourself. Now comes the real battle. We’ve got to grow Her—wash Her with the Word of His promise. His promise for revival, for renewal, for His manifest glory!
In 1 Kings chapter 10, verses 1-10, we read about the famed meeting between the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon. Here, the Queen was amazed, overwhelmed, and inspired to faith. In fact, many scholars believe that this experience strengthened the Jewish believers across the Horn of Africa, paving the way for the Christian Church. But what was it that stoked her spiritual fire? What three things can we “partner” in, to inspire a dead world to life? Find out more next time!
Jak Hardy is the Founder of WorldChangers Global, an innovative not-for-profit tackling development through education. A leadership, development, and policy consultant, Jak aspires to be the world’s leading voice on the health benefits of Nutella. He holds a Diploma of Ministry, has trekked through a valley discarded degrees in law, theology and politics, and is completing postgraduate business at the University of the Sunshine Coast.

Jak Hardy is the Founder of WorldChangers Global, an innovative not-for-profit tackling development through education. A leadership, development, and policy consultant, Jak aspires to be the world’s leading voice on the health benefits of Nutella. He holds a Diploma of Ministry, has trekked through a valley, discarded degrees in law, theology and politics, and is completing postgraduate business at the University of the Sunshine Coast.