Jonathan Elejorde

  • Defining human rights that can be justified part 2

    In the last article, I discussed the problem of how inhumane acts are done, by laying the foundation of the problem, and concluded that we needed protection. In order to be protected, it is imperative that we not only have a system in place that allows people to express actions, but most importantly we need one that can answer the question, who or what gives me the right to act without hindrance?

  • The Pagan Church?

    I\'ve started reading a book called Pagan Christianity. Sounds rather strange having both of those words in the same sentence doesn\'t it? Reality is, [and please don\'t shoot the messenger], the way we do Church today is more rooted in pagan culture and rituals than in the Christian thought of the New Testament. This presents us with an unsettling truth as we reconsider Christ\'s plan for His church.

  • Christmas Eve – the history and science of the English Christmas pudding

    We follow very English Christmas traditions in our family. However, I find it amazing to hear how different foods are eaten at Christmas around the world, and that no-one from other cultures eats the English \"plum pudding\".

  • Why the Western Church is dead, and the Chinese Church is alive

    Ever since I\'ve come back from China two years ago, it hasn\'t been the same. As much as I\'ve tried to replicate the spiritual devotion that was fostered when I was in Asia, I find this feeling of emptiness that comes from living in such a prosperous country and making my home in such prosperous churches.

  • Learning to love those you disagree with theologically (even heretics)

    Recently, I was listening to a podcast by Bad Christian and was struck by the conversation. They had recently done an interview with Jay Bakker, a liberal pastor with the emergent church who doesn\'t agree with inerrancy, hell or that Jesus is the only way to heaven.

  • PSI Australian young writers singing all the way home - 'as it were'

    The Press Service International Australian young writer program with Christian Today was initiated in 2010 with a daily sports young writers and later that year developed to \'Comment\' writing by the young writers that joined the program.

  • "You will find him next to me" – a word of encouragement to single Christian women

    Upon hearing this this song the first time it I instantly felt the Holy Spirit giving me something, I strongly felt as if God was speaking to Christian women through this song, single women specifically.

  • Winning the birth lottery

    If you work for Gospel for Asia, you really understand what winning the birth lottery means.

  • Maturity

    How do you know when you\'re an adult? As part of the growing up process, when is it safe to say that you\'re in the dark greys of adulthood and not the light greys of adolescence? Is it determined by an age, or a stage, or a set of characteristics?

  • Four things you didn't know about 'O Holy Night'

    What do Mariah Carey, the cast of Glee and South Park\'s Eric Cartman have in common? They\'ve all recorded the Christmas classic O Holy Night.