Liana Monaghan
Press Service International
Liana is a passionate and creative soul, living in South Australia and married to her artist husband of 12 years, Justin. Liana is an early childhood educator and also writes, sings, occasionally dances, loves nature, is a psalmist and runs a women's ministry.
‘If you don’t quit you win’ – Heidi Baker
One of my close friends Marlene just returned from attending Harvest School in Mozambique with Mama Heidi of Iris Ministries for ten weeks.
'My journey into the Hebrew roots of my faith’
My journey into the Hebrew heritage of my faith began several years ago when I first saw the names of God in Hebrew with their meanings on a poster in Western Australia.
Elijah and the beginnings of breakthrough
How many of us have arrived at the point where we have had enough of how things are turning out, and we just want to make something happen!
Let Him sing over your soul
Sometimes we need God to sing over our soul. The part of us that wanted our life to work out in a certain way and wanted hearts desires now.
Love but with boundaries
I have just started a journey of learning about boundaries especially in regards to relationships and expectations that people place on each other.