Megan Fermo
Press Services International

Megan Fermo is a creative writing student from Wellington, New Zealand. Megan is working full-time to achieve her goal of publishing a novel.
What! Monday again!
Picture this: It’s an evening service and you’re stepping inside your home church lobby. A girl, possibly in her early twenties, catches your eye. You stop and stare. What is it about her?
What happens on Monday?
Picture this: It’s an evening service and you’re stepping inside your home church lobby. A girl, possibly in her early twenties, catches your eye. You stop and stare. What is it about her?
Open Love to All
On the 15th of March 2019, fifty lives were taken by a terrorist in two mosques across Christchurch, New Zealand.
Metaphors in Art
When people ask me what I am, what I do, what I love, or what I’m passionate about, the first answer I ever think of giving is this: I am a writer.
Little Things Everywhere
For the past six years, I’ve had a tradition on New Year’s Eve. I sit down at my computer desk, and type a list of my achievements over the course of the year. Every significant one. I filled one sheet of paper, some with handwritten scribbles on the ledges for achievements I forgot to type.
“You Are Not Alone”
I used to think there was something oddly comforting about loneliness.
Journey with the Unforgivable Sin
In late 2015, I received a call that changed my life. It was from my mother, her voice barely audible. She was sobbing on the other end of the line. “Your grandfather,” she finally said. He had died hours before, but we didn’t know it as we lived in Wellington, twelve hours away from their side of the world.
It All Starts on Monday Morning
Picture this: It’s an evening service and you’re stepping inside your home church lobby. A girl, possibly in her early twenties, catches your eye. You stop and stare. What is it about her?