Neville Hiatt
Press Services International

Neville Hiatt was the 2020 Press Services International Tronson Senior Writers Award Winner for Australia. His previous posts for can be read here.
He spent a decade working for Radio Stations before his career was intermissioned by someone in a hurry to get home from work. For more of his award winning creativity visit
He also blogs for the way cryptocurrencies and blockchain are changing our world.
Can you imagine
If you have never heard the song I can only imagine you could still be deeply moved by Bart Millard’s memoir by the same title. If you have heard the song but have never heard the story behind it be prepared to be moved again. If you’ve seen the movie but haven’t read the book you may want to read the book.
One armed art
Summer has finished in Australia and it’s now Autumn. A new season for me means I need to take more photographs for my 2024 Four Seasons collection.
Are you awake and alive to truth
Are you awake and alive to truth? The problem with that question in 2023 is that too many in society now believe that their individual truth otherwise known as their thoughts/desires/feelings over ride decades of societal truths, centuries of science truths and an eternity of the universal truth.
Illegal Art
Would you have ever thought you would live in a world where taking a photo of God’s creation was deemed illegal?
An open letter to the residents of earth for 2023
For the past few years the first article I’ve written for the year has been one of encouragement. A friendly reminder that we can we focus on how broken our world is or focus on the one who loved us so much he adopted us into his family.
End of year reflections
As 2022 draws to a close what do you remember the most? How much of the heart ache overshadows the beauty?
The power of a teapot life
It wasn’t the night I was expecting. The food was better than I thought it would be and the talk wasn’t what I’d been anticipating. Ok, so I admit I was in a good mood after a dinner of meat and pasta followed by pavlova for dessert, but that wasn’t the only reason I was attentive when he spoke.
Eric v Evil
“If we allow our ideological enemies to tell us what we can and cannot say and what views we can and cannot have, we have taken our eyes off God.” Eric Metaxas
Pictures of you
There is never a time we should forget those that have sacrificed so we could have a better life. This artwork stands on the side of a Victorian country road.
Death, Taxes and the Queen
For many the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II will have very little impact on their immediate day to day lives. For others she will have been mourned as if she was close family. In an ever changing world she has been a constant in many peoples lives for decades.