Sheelagh Wegman
Press Service International

Sheelagh Wegman is a freelance writer and editor. She is in the community of St David’s Cathedral in Hobart and lives in the foothills of kunanyi/Mt Wellington.
Sheelagh Wegman’s previous articles may be viewed at
Departing in peace
I’ve been to quite a few funerals lately. Not just for ‘old’ people but some have been for friends who have died earlier than one might expect: accidents, illness, long-term health issues that took a turn for the worse.
Changes and chances
There’s some wonderful treasures to be found in the old Church of England Book of Common Prayer from 1662. It is not used much in Australia these days except for the odd service here and there.
Tripping over history
There is a Holocaust memorial project in Hamburg, Germany where small brass plaques etched with the names of those who perished in the Holocaust, are embedded in the pavement outside the houses where these people once lived.
Bushland suburbs in the foothills of Mt Wellington (Hobart) are cleaning up after a near-cyclonic windstorm over several days last week. The sound of chainsaws and trucks with mulchers was heard everywhere during the calmer days of the weekend.
What about the words?
What comes to mind when you think of worship? It might be a large hall filled with people singing along to a contemporary song performed by a polished band of singers with guitars and keyboards and drums, with a big amped sound. Really pumped, lots of energy with lots of waving and dancing.
From the heart comes beauty
I’m no expert but I know that Autumn is the time to plant bulbs that will bloom in the Spring. Tulips, daffodils, freesias are just a few flowers that grow from bulbs and it really is amazing to think that such beauty and fragrance can emerge from such ugliness.
Smashed avocado?
The night has passed
During the past year I have joined the daily online streaming of the Anglican Service of Morning Prayer.
Counting the cost
God’s perfect ears