Buying an e-book on line – and who’s watching?
In an on-line article from The Guardian (Australia) from my archive I found a surprising economic statistic from the book sellers trade, that is the new on-line book sellers, that Adolf Hitler's book “Mein Kampf” has become an e-book best seller..
The power behind the throne
In my archive I found this article on the most powerful public servants in the nation advising the Prime Minister has this as it’s lead line: They can earn as much as the Prime Minister and are vital to keeping him in power.
Desk top art highly prized
Every month for the Tweed Heads Chamber of Commerce business car-draw I have now for many years presented a desk top art work and they have been well received. Desk top art works are small in nature, that sit on an executive's or a corporate desk and has a significance to that person and highly appreciative.
US Bible statistics - 1 in 1.1 persons owns a Bible
This is one of hundreds of new statistics revealed not too long back by in a new tome, The Book of Odds, a new collection of the statistics that rule everyday life, as reported by the New York Post.
2018 young writer's conference in 5 weeks - Christchurch
The 2018 young writer conference will be held in Christchurch on Saturday 1 September at the Salvation Army Conference Centre, Colombo Street – just sixweeks away.
Holocaust much broader than first thought
The great majority of observers on all things Holocaust consider the major tenants of it - as consisting of - those major murder camps for which we are all familiar. In 2005 a 48 person international gentile delegates of which I was one, were invited by the Israeli Government to participate in the March of the Living which highlights those terrible years.
Statisticians sent in their 2018 young writer award results
The Press Service International young writer program in conjunction with Christian Today has now received from the various statisticians the 2018 young writer award results.
Here comes the sun! The solar phenomena
As a teenager in the late 1960s, I used to enjoy listening to the George Harrison song “Here Comes the Sun.” I doubt the Beatles were being prophetic, even if they were considered innovative for their time, but this tune comes to mind whenever I read about the increasing amount of solar technology that is used today.
Religious Affiliations under Scrutiny
An article in revealed from the Census from 2011 and the latest 2016 Census revelations (with No Religion as the option at the top of the list) - those who registered a non-affiliation (of any religion) by the next Census they might even become the largest statistical measured Census group.
'Christian Intuitive' and our last Will and Testament
There are lawyers today who specialise in contesting someone's last Will and Testament. One of my daughter's is one of these who specialise in this. Over some years now, she has developed a professional set of skills that specialises in Wills. Like many things in life, nothing is as simple as it might first appear.
Young writer reviews – No 8
The Press Service International young writer program in conjunction with Christian Today has each Week's editor or coordinator write a review of their week the week after publication.
The sleeper train sadly been in decline
In my archive I found an article on the demise of the sleeper train ass highlighted The Sydney Morning Herald which came from the London Daily Telegraph - something that the Footplate Padre has been altering the Australian rail public for many years for its own rail journeys.