Young writer reviews – No 7
The Press Service International young writer program in conjunction with Christian Today has each Week's editor or coordinator write a review of their week the week after publication..
Market Research 'Gold'
2018 Hillsong kicks off today / tonight
One People, One Destiny: A Christian History of Australia
Sydney in a blaze of glory as the largest conference get’s underway
The 32nd Annual Hillsong Conference will get underway at the Sydney Olympic Park tonight and it just seems to get bigger and bigger.
Young writers alerted to misuse of mobiles and earplugs
15 young Australians have lost their lives in accidents since January having been preoccupied by texting / talking on their mobile phones and or with ear plugs listening to ‘whatever’ and unable to hear traffic around them.
If you are reading this on line, you may be in breach of Copyright !!
Sometimes the strangest bed-fellows are found in the most unlikeliest of places and in this on-line world, the question was raised in Germany some time ago, if you watched the porn site the legal eagles will track you down and send you a fine of $250 for breach of copyright, as reported in this article.
Some 'doctoral' (PhD) topics are a bit hairy - they should be
Education has taken significant twists and turns over the past three decades. I recall 20 years ago listening to Radio National's regular Education Program who were interviewing the Professor of Engineering of the time from Stuart University that 67% of their students were from overseas – distance education.
New faces in the Australian young writers program
The 2018 young writer program with Press Service International in conjunction with Christian Today has seen quite a few additional young writers.
‘Fourth’ Kiwi young writer conference
The New Zealand young writers program initiated in 2012 is taking a leap forward with its fourth conference to be held on Saturday 1 September in Christchurch.
Absolutes demonstrate a great deal
In my archive I found a article about the smacking of children and highlighting then Prime Minister Tony Abbott's comment that he smacked his kids when they were growing up – welcoming the readers to the world of parenting.
Young writer reviews – No 6
The Press Service International young writer program in conjunction with Christian Today has each Week's editor or coordinator write a review of their week the week after publication.