Sudan accused of bombing refugee camp in South Sudan following presidential announcement it was ready for war
An airstrike on a refugee camp in Unity state, South Sudan, on 10 November has been attributed to the northern Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) by South Sudan officials and witnesses, bolstering concerns that war may reignite between Sudan and the new nation of South Sudan. This follows Sudanese President Al-Bashir's aggressive comments on 6 November indicating Khartoum's readiness to engage in further warfare. .
World Wind Mission to Eastern Europe, Scandinavia and Israel
Australia's Reverend Dr David Smethurst has been on another World Wind Mission and this is his report for Christian Today Australia.
Police detain, beat converts from Islam in India
Police in India's Kashmir Valley detained and beat converts from Islam and were expected to arrest Christian workers after Muslim leaders alleged that Muslim youth were being "lured" to Christianity.
Iran: Nadarknani verdict expected in mid-December but may be delayed until Christmas
Sources close to the Yousef Nadarkhani apostasy case have informed Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) that Pastor Nadarkhani's lawyers have been told to expect a decision from the Supreme Leader in mid-December, occasioning fears that it may be issued to coincide with the Christmas season in order to avoid an international outcry. The court in Rasht has sent two letters regarding the case to Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, but is still awaiting a response.
Francis Chan works to make disciples in each apartment block
The Tenderloin district of San Francisco is one square mile. There are 37,000 people in that one square mile living in 586 apartment buildings. And San Francisco City Impact wants to plant a church in every single one of those apartments.
Eritrean refugees face imminent repatriation from Egypt and high risk of persecution on return
A group of 118 Eritrean refugees are facing deportation from a detention centre in Aswan, Egypt, either today or tomorrow, according to Italian NGO Agenzia Habeshia, after detention centre officials issued notifications of imminent deportation in the past week.
Burma: violations and humanitarian crisis continues in Eastern Burma according to new report
Serious violations of human rights continue to be committed by the Burma Army in eastern Burma, while humanitarian conditions deteriorate due to a lack of international funding, according to a new report released today by Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW).
Burma army attacks church in Kachin state, shooting and torturing worshippers
Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has today received a report from sources inside Kachin State, Burma alleging that soldiers from the Burma Army shot at worshippers in a church in Wai Maw Township two days ago.
Attack on Church compound in Kenya kills two, wounds three
Suspected Islamic extremists with Somalia's al Shabaab militia threw a grenade into the home of the church guard of an East Africa Pentecostal Church (EAPC) congregation outside Garissa, Kenya on Saturday night (Nov. 5), killing an 8-year-old girl and another member of the church, sources said.
Cuban pastor issues public appeal after permission to leave Cuba for asylum in US is denied
A Cuban pastor and his family are issuing a public appeal to the government to allow them to leave Cuba. Pastor Omar Gude Perez, his wife and two children were granted asylum in the United States in July but have been refused permission to exit the island.
Somali Muslims cut, beat Christian unconscious in Kenya
A Somali Christian in Kenya is nursing injuries after young Muslim men from his country beat him with iron rods and wooden clubs last week, leaving him unconscious at a church entryway.
Carlos Malone Sr joins LWFCI 2012 Team in London in key godly leadership position
Lay Witnesses for Christ International's board of directors have unanimously confirmed the decision of Dr. Sam Mings, Sr. to appoint Carlos L. Malone, Sr as the LWFCI 2012 International Pastoral Chairman. "The strategic selection for this monumental ministry opportunity afforded us mandated an individual orchestrated by God alone, empowered by the Holy Spirit, possessing great discernment, a heartbeat for the lost, and someone who would be accountable and who would lead by serving!\' explained D