I am delighted to announce the official release of my new book Where Rivers Flow – Finding your way out of the desert with joy and gladness.
When I began writing Where Rivers Flow(the third in my series of Real-World Devotionals that make you feel normal) it was a very different world to the one we live in today. I didn’t know what journey God was going to take me on, however, He gave the book title to my husband right at the beginning, and since then, everything has flowed into the shape of rivers. Just as rivers travel many different paths to get to their final destination, so too, does life for each one of us.
Having spoken in previous books (First to Forty and Pizza & Choir) of my own trials, blessings, and even embarrassing moments, I have journeyed through years of rebuilding, trusting in God, and allowing Him to guide me even when things don’t turn out the way I may have imagined.
Though not always expected outcomes, God’s ways are much more beautiful and purposeful than anything we can imagine or even plan for ourselves. They are complex, yet perfect. But first we must put our hand into His, even if blindfolded, and trust Him to guide us on the way that is right.
Coming out of a wilderness and walking into your destiny is exciting but still requires much faith. We will always need faith as we journey through our walk on this Earth. But just as a river travels over rocky ground, smooth ground, windy bends, and treacherous terrain, and even when that river feels dried up at times, we know that, with our eyes on Jesus, we will arrive at the crystal sea that stands before the throne of God.
The water of this river is life-giving, the trees that it waters flourish. My prayer is that whatever these past few years have poured upon you, that you will push forward with God, dance in the river, and be healed by the leaves on the trees growing either side.
Allow the river of God to wash away the old, refresh, cleanse and soothe the desert places within you, replenish the thirsty, bring new growth, healing, abundance, and provision, grow new fruit, and give you peace. And may rivers of living water flow from within you (John chapter 7 verse 38) and as it flows from the Source of Life, may it pour out for the healing of the nations.
‘Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.’
(Revelation chapter 22 verses 1-2)
Special mention goes to Dr Mark Tronson as written in the acknowledgments page:
In memory of my great writing mentor,
Dr Mark Tronson
who passed away July 2022. Thank you for believing in my writing and playing a big part in giving me the encouragement and confidence to try bigger and better things. You have given young writers around the world the opportunity to have their voices heard and have left a great legacy. I know you are enjoying your eternal reward in heaven.
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Psalm chapter 73 verse 26
I was honoured to have Pastor Steve Penny write the foreword for my book. Steve and Marion Penny are pastors I highly look up to and who carry a remarkable prophetic gifting. Foreword:
“On reading Rebecca Moore’s latest book Where Rivers Flow, I was somewhat surprised by how practical and real her devotions are.
It is Practical
Rebecca deals with everyday life in a clear and practical way. The reality of her humanity and dependence on God is refreshing in a performance driven world. Every life situation is linked to God’s promises and His purpose for our lives.
It is Poetic
The use of language expressed through the gift of a poet was soul inspiring and uplifting, revealed within the rhythm and cadence of every new poem.
It is Prophetic
Woven through each story was a clear prophetic word from God’s big picture for our lives. The sound of heaven can be heard clearly through each devotional chapter, bringing light, life and love from heaven above.
I found the book to be inspiring.”
—Pastor Steve Penny,
Speaker, Author, Church Planter,
Leadership Consultant, 1000 SHIELDS
Where Rivers Flow is available through Koorong, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Booktopia and all good bookstores.

Rebecca and her husband have four children and live on the Sunshine Coast, Australia. Rebecca writes for various publications including print, online and commercial. She is the author of two books: ‘First to Forty’ and ‘Pizza and Choir’. For more information you can find Rebecca at: http://www.rebeccamoore.life, Facebook: Rebecca Moore - Author, Instagram: rebeccamoore_author
Rebecca Moore's previous articles may be viewed at www.pressserviceinternational.org/rebecca-moore.html