There is never a time we should forget those that have sacrificed so we could have a better life. This artwork stands on the side of a Victorian country road.
Too many would drive by it without really seeing it. There is a lot of roadside artwork too often driven past and not appreciated for the hours that went into creating them. As the weather improves leave enough time on your next trip to stop along the way. Anytime you get to vote whether it be local, state or federal vote for those that have a history of standing for freedom.

Neville Hiatt was the 2020 Press Services International Tronson Senior Writers Award Winner for Australia. His previous posts for can be read here.
He spent a decade working for Radio Stations before his career was intermissioned by someone in a hurry to get home from work. For more of his award winning creativity visit http://nevillehiatt.com.
He also blogs for http://altcoincollege.com/covering the way cryptocurrencies and blockchain are changing our world.