Best News Story
Gold - Eternity -
‘Scott Morrison prays for Australia at Hillsong conference’ by Kylie Beach, 9 July 20
The report that provoked a media storm. Kylie Beach is alert to drama, mood, history and consequence. Her writing is smooth, brisk and precise. The reader is given the necessary context and background and the protagonists are allowed to speak for themselves. Excellent!
Silver - Touchstone
‘Wesley College, a place of special character’ by Ady Shannon, February 2019
An ordinary report about an historic school in Auckland is made memorable by the stories of two graduating students. Eneasi Vaka’uta and Sharon Tuipala are given the opportunity to move beyond the predictable and the obvious, and tow in a place in our hearts.
Bronze - Wesley Impact
Changing lives, one tax return at a time’ by Esther Pinn, Spring 2019
A simple but satisfying report about an initiative that gives students at the UNSW School of Taxation and Business Law the opportunity to help battlers lodge their tax returns and move towards financial independence. Pedestrian but perfect.

Best Feature – Single Author
Gold - War Cry (NZ, Fiji, Tonga & Samoa)
‘The Power of Forgiveness’ by Shar Dav
A well-researched, thought-provoking story of forgiveness motivated by faith. Originating from a dark event in New Zealand’s colonial past (Parihaka, 5 November 1881), the various threads of the story are carefully and sensitively woven together, to vividly illustrate the truth of the story-title itself. Very impressive also for context, depth, and source material. And what a stunning painting by Liam Barr on the cover-page promoting the story - Wow!
Silver AC Catalyst
‘Protection of Religious Freedoms’ by Monica Doumi
This comparatively lengthy feature gives the reader every reason to be very wary of societal trends in Australasia that are/may usurp our religious freedoms. It mostly displays the criteria required of this award category. It is comprehensive and convincing. Its concluding challenges leave the reader – and the churchecumenical - with a clear call to action.‘The Power of Forgiveness’ by Shar Davis
Highly Commended
Southern Cross
‘Multicultural Workers and Ministry’ by Tara Sing
The successful pieces in this category give their protagonists a voice. This is achieved by providing the necessary context and showing how actions complement words. To take back seat and allow our subjects to speak requires discipline, humility and confidence in our stories. Writers who do this should be celebrated and emulated.
The Gippsland Anglican
‘Lake Tyers’ History and Aboriginal Ministry Today’ by Jan Down
To read the Judges Comments - ARPA web site

Dr Mark Tronson - a 4 min video
Chairman – Well-Being Australia
Baptist Minister 45 years
- 1984 - Australian cricket team chaplain 17 years (Ret)
- 2001 - Life After Cricket (18 years Ret)
- 2009 - Olympic Ministry Medal – presented by Carl Lewis
- 2019 - The Gutenberg - (ARPA Christian Media premier award)
Gutenberg video - 2min 14sec
Married to Delma for 45 years with 4 children and 6 grand children