The 2022 Australian young writer program is shaping up well and we invite young people 18-30 interested in a monthly column in Christian Today to contact us (see details below).
The young writer program consists of five weeks. Each set of five weeks is called a Cycle. There are 10 Cycles in the year.
Week 1 – New Zealand
Week 2 - Australian
Week 3 - Seniors
Week 4 – Internationals and NZ seniors
Week 5 – Over 31s and the 2 articles a year group
Week 1 – Esther Koh
Week 2 – Jason Sayson
Week 3 - Seniors - Aira Chilcott, Neville Hiatt, Phil Hall
Week 4 – Josh Robbie and Mussita Ng
Week 5 - Peter Brookshaw
Week Co-ordinators
Week 1 – Josh Taylor
Week 2 - Roydon Ng and Elise Pappas
Week 3 – Gavin Lawrie
Week 4 – Rose-Ann Durant, Mussita Ng
Week 5 – Peter Brookshaw
In 2022 Jason Sayson is the Australian young writer editor, a professional writer and engaged in Christian school ministry
Statisticians for annual awards
Salley Gillespie, John Grocott, Liz Hay, Jeremy Dover
Australians - Gavin Lawrie, Vicki Nunn , Aira Chilcott, Cheryl McGrath, Russell Modlin
Kiwis - Liz Hay, Sarah Richards, Wayne Graham, Tim Newman, Mussita Ng
Internationals - Vic Matthews, Darren Lawson, Travis Barnes, Tony de Kivitt, Alex Gillespie
Sport - Peter Nelson, Simon Farrer, Josh Robbie, Tim Wilson, John Skinner
Over 31s - Rex Dale, John Yates, Tim McDonald, Margaret Pearce, Mussita Ng
Seniors (to 45) - Peter Bentley, Ben Campbell, Kandima Awendila, Ashley Saunders, Carl Windhorst
Connect people for the young writers to the panellists
Aust - Rebecca Moore. NZ – Mussita Ng. Internationals – Aira Chilcott. Sport - Jeremy Dover. Over 31s - Vicki Nunn, Seniors - Russell Modlin
Australian Young writers
We have available writing spots in the Australian young writers - we welcome additional Australian 18-30 year olds interested in becoming young writers – timeout@bushorchestra.com and texting 0419 917 713.

Dr Mark Tronson - a 4 min video
Chairman – Well-Being Australia
Baptist Minister 45 years
- 1984 - Australian cricket team chaplain 17 years (Ret)
- 2001 - Life After Cricket (18 years Ret)
- 2009 - Olympic Ministry Medal – presented by Carl Lewis
- 2019 - The Gutenberg - (ARPA Christian Media premier award)
Gutenberg video - 2min 14sec
Married to Delma for 45 years with 4 children and 6 grand children