The last few years of the pandemic have shaken our thinking to consider if what we have in mind for the future is possible. Will we be able to travel locally, let alone internationally? Will we be employed after we finish our studies?
We have many uncertainties about the future whilst God’s calling on our lives has never changed. As I was reflecting on what the future will be like, I began studying the life of Abraham and his faith in God’s promises.
Here are the four key lessons I have learnt from the different stages of Abraham’s life.
Father of the faith
Abram’s story seems to begin at the age of 75 when God called him to the land he would give him. Abram left as God told him.
I wonder if Abram left because he understood God’s promises and call on his life, or whether he was chasing after the blessings God offered him. Nevertheless, God called Abram and his family to become a pioneer, and he is calling us to be the same.
I am reminded that God’s orchestration of our lives begins before he calls us verbally. As our creator, He has a purpose for each of our lives. He knows what this is.
Whether we know God’s call on our life or not, the pivotal question is “do we have the faith to simply obey and follow?”
Time and time again, God told Abram he would be a great nation and his countless offspring would inherit his land.
But how?
Over twenty years after leaving Haran, Abram had no child. Even he began to doubt and thought his servant would become his heir. God said, “No, you will have a son of your own.”
I am amazed at this – ten years and not even a glimpse of God fulfilling his promises. Yet Abram heard and believed.
Over the last few years, my hopes have been crushed as I’ve faced cancelled plans and countless border restrictions; everything seems stagnant. At times I think if God doesn’t answer my request in a day or a week, I believe it won’t happen.
I’m reminded to hold onto God’s spoken promises because he is preparing the way even when I can’t see it.
A father of many nations
Abraham, a new name God had given him; a new covenant of circumcision. Surely this means God would fulfil this promise soon. In this phase, God seems to be actively preparing Abraham for what to do when his son comes.
Abraham continued to believe.
Finally, God gives him a timeframe: this time next year, twenty-five years after leaving his home, the promised son was born. God had never forgotten his promise to Abraham, and Isaac was born.
God is faithful and powerful; his word is truth and gives us every reason to trust him. He will deliver what he has promised, no matter how long the wait is.
A father’s heart surrendered
It doesn’t make any sense to us why God would ask Abraham to sacrifice his only son. This precious son was twenty-five years in the making; the heir was to continue fulfilling God’s promises to Abraham.
We can only imagine Abraham’s intense emotions as God called him because what we read of is Abraham’s obedience once again – no arguing and no ‘what ifs’. Abraham went.
Abraham’s faith was firmly secured in God; he knew God would provide. God had proven it once already, and he would do it again.
Jehovah Jireh.
He is our provider today when there seems to be no way out. We only need to remind ourselves that we are walking witnesses of God’s promises fulfilled to Abraham, the ‘father of the faith’.
The Vilomah Father
Abraham not only represents the father figure for the Israelites but also for all of us who believe in his example of faith, obedience, and sacrifice.
And what Abraham is, Jesus is greater.
While God promised Abraham, his son Isaac, God promises us, Jesus. Likewise, God did not hold onto Jesus, he sacrificed him on the cross.
I love this quote from Victor Raymond Edman, “Never doubt in the dark what God has told you in the light.”
This precisely summarises Abraham's perseverance, the way he held onto the promise he would one day have a son. God would make him a big nation in a foreign land.
Every promise made by God has been fulfilled by Jesus Christ. We are privileged to read this through the writing of faithful witnesses. We can trust God and have faith in him that he will continue to fulfil the promises for our future.
Today, we carry in us every single "yes" God has fulfilled in Jesus. The unexpected challenges we face are not unexpected to God.

Stephanie enjoys simple living, admiring nature’s beauty and intricacy, and playing the piano. She is particularly passionate about empowering the vulnerable. Writing is her way of processing thoughts and feelings to understand herself, God and the world in a deeper and more meaningful way.