The ironic faith walk
I do not know where to start…. Allow me, a minute or five of your time. You see, this past May (2023) I celebrated fifteen years on this walk of faith. If you should ask, it has been the most confusing and difficult journey I've yet experienced.
It is confusing because there are so many versions to the one journey and everywhere you turn, there are people telling you what is right from what is not and if you aren’t careful, you’ll end up lost. Difficult because it is a daily walk and a daily decision that you have to make!
As Apostle Paul said, “For me to live is Christ, to die is gain” (Philippians chapter 1 verse 21)
As confusing and difficult as it (the faith walk) is, it is also worth every last drop of confusion and difficulty experienced! It’s ironic; I do not even wish to explain, as much as I want to.
I can’t promise you I know where this is going just yet, but what I can tell you (or at least hope) is that it will come together.
Writing struggles
Lately, it has been a struggle to sit and get my writing juices flowing. One minute you lie in bed with a topic flowing in your head and the excitement that comes with it, and the next minute as you reach for the laptop, there is no idea how to structure the head thoughts in order for someone to read.
So, you go back and forth with God, trying to figure out a template. It’s not just a regular blog where one can rumble on or a journal where the sentences are jumbled. It’s a column where people want to hear your comment on issues, and it has to make sense.
These struggles are nothing new, I have been quite open about being stuck in a writer’s block, functionally empty and the struggles of starting over.
My advice: Give yourself grace!
Personally, I like to be a woman of my word and if I say I am going to do something then as best as possible, no matter how long it takes, I aim to fulfil. Just as how I extend grace to others, may I give myself grace when I am feeling out of it at the end of the day. We are all humans before anything else.
23 to be made new in the attitude of your mind;
24 and to put on a new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness, (Ephesians chapter 4 verses 23 - 24)
Upon reflection, friends, this faith walk is not a walk in the park type, it can honestly be annoying if you should try to follow the method of others despite the number of years you’ve been doing it.
Accountability is important however, your faith walk is one that should be uniquely tailored for you and God, not one for everyone else. At the end of the day, it requires daily slaying of flesh and surrendering.
You won’t always have it all together and God doesn’t expect you to. My prayer for us all, is that our lives will continuously be a testament of God’s goodness. Secondly, I pray that our hearts will be positioned prayerfully and be open for conversation with the Creator!
“16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.”
(Galatians chapter 5 verse 16)
These are my confessions.
"Touching Lives Through Cerebral Palsy!"
||Advocate for persons with disabilities||Blogger||Writer||World Changer|| Student.
"Let your light shine before men, that. they may see your good works, and. glorify your Father which is in heaven. ... glorify your Father who is in heaven." Matt. 5:16
Connect with Me Website: https://richellethenry.wordpress.comLikedIn:Richelle T HenryInstagram: @richelle_t_henry & @richellethenryFacebook: Richelle MsRoyal T. Henry.