Dear Self,
I’ve come to learn that you and Satan have partnered up against my soul. I am unhappy about this. I’ve trusted you for so long and I feel taken advantage of. I’m not writing to shame you. You love that kind of attention. I’m writing to remind you that there is a better way of life.
Firstly, I forgive you for elevating your needs above God’s plan. In the chaos that ensued as I followed your path, I’ve come to experience the grace and mercy of God. I see how God has been unconditional in His love for me even in darkest seasons under your servitude. If I didn’t experience the destruction you bring, I would have never experienced God’s restorative power.
Every morning you’re faithful to lie to me. You say that you’re the most important thing about this life. You’re wrong. Now that I’ve accepted God’s redemptive plan through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, I know now that He is the most important. I belong to God now and unlike serving you, He brings joy, peace, and stability in the midst of confusion and unrest. He is the better way.
Though you don’t stop communicating throughout the day, I’m learning to silence your manipulative voice by trusting in God’s word. The more I invest in understanding His word, I’m seeing how much more superior His promises are over your vain schemes. What He promises, He delivers on. Self, you’ve always over-over-promised and under-delivered. You never change. You’re never going to give me the rest my soul needs.
Self, we’ve got to subject ourselves to God’s plan. By faith, I’m understanding that only in Him can we be fully satisfied. The deep longings in our heart are met in the riches that are in Him. Now, we’re going to follow Him. I know that it’s going to be contradictory to all that we’ve ever done before, so let’s get into the habit of trusting in Him over our instincts.
I’ll be discipling you to be subject to God’s leading. His promises are assured good for our wellbeing. I know that He will lead us in the way of life that is for our good and His glory. Even in the uncertainty of where He will take us, I’m convinced that He knows the best way. Self, hold on for a wild ride. I’m seeing that the more He increases over you, we will be experiencing the miraculous touch of heaven here on earth.
Self, are you ready? It’s time to surrender all to God. It’s no longer your life to live. It’s all about Him. Let’s see what He will do and where He will take us. Let’s be sure to reevaluate every now and then to make sure that we’re both on the same page. I know that you have a wondering heart. Remember that you belong to Him now. Let’s make our home in Him. It’s a good place. He cares for us.
Aaron Sabio lives in Oceanside is a pastor at Calvary Chapel Vista in Southern California. He enjoys coffee, volleyball, and singing.

Aaron Sabio lives in Oceanside LA, is a pastor at Calvary Chapel Vista in Southern California. He enjoys coffee, volleyball, and singing with his worship band, [REVO]Collective.