Dear Sinner,
I know what you’re going though. I understand the struggle. I know the feelings of defeat, condemnation, and guilt you are experiencing. I know the thoughts you are thinking about yourself and about God. And I also know that we’re not alone.
Sinner, you and I are two redeemed possessions of Christ among the sea of believers who are in the same boat. We are all sinfully flawed, yet fully loved.
I’ve recently heard a quote by Timothy Keller in regards to the gospel and our sinful humanity. He says, “The Gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.”
Struggling Sinner, I’ve come to understand very simple gospel truths that have transformed the way I live and relate to God when I fall into sin. I pray these truths encourage and strengthen you in your relationship with the Lord.
God isn’t surprised
Because He is all-knowing, He sees all our past, present, and future sins. It may come at a shock to us when we sin, but God isn’t taken aback. God knows every good, bad, and ugly detail about us and still chooses to loves us unconditionally.
This truth is helpful in regards to honest confession to the Lord. We can admit to our deepest and darkest sins with full assurance that God isn’t shocked and/ or disgusted with us.
You don’t have to earn back God’s forgiveness/ love/ grace/ mercy, etc.…
You don’t have to earn back God’s forgiveness/ love/ grace/ mercy, etc.… because you didn’t merit it in the first place. I want to remind you of Paul’s words in Romans chapter 5 verse 8. He says, “But God demonstrates His own love towards us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.”
This truth probably kills the Pharisee still lurking in your heart. Mankind has never deserved God’s love, yet because He is Love, He lovingly blesses us.
You don’t have to try and get forgiveness though good works. All you have to do is accept His forgiveness through honest confession in prayer. (See 1 John chapter 1 verse 9)
Be quick to repent
Just because you’ve already committed sin once today, doesn’t give you the right to sin again. I used to think like this, “Well, I’ve already sinned today, I might as well give into every temptation since the day is already ruined. I’ll get right with God tomorrow.”
Paul has a lot to say about that in Romans chapter 6-8.
Don’t wait to confess and repent. The longer you wait, the more you’ll miss out on the full life that Christ has to offer.
Tell somebody
Yes, if you confess your sins to the Lord you are already forgiven and cleansed. It’s true that you don’t need the aid of man to receive forgiveness of sins, because in Christ you are already cleansed. But, you do need Christ –like accountability. (See James chapter 5 verse 16)
Acknowledging your sins to a trusted brother or sister in the faith is one of the hardest things to do. It’s hard because it requires humility, and vulnerability. Pride hates looking weak. To confess your sins to an accountability partner is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of love unto God.
If you are serious about repentance, then you’ll be serious about dealing with your sins. Be real, be honest, be vulnerable with the body of Christ. God loves it when we help each other walk closer to Him.
Dear Sinner,
Until the Lord calls us home, remember these simple truths. Keep on doing what Satan hates. Allow the love of God in Jesus Christ keep you from a sin-filled life.
Sin will always over promise and under deliver. Sin is not worth your time.
Don’t let your past mistakes govern the way you live for Christ now.
Run hard for Jesus,
With love,
Aaron serves in Murrieta, CA and is a pastor at Cross Culture Ministries and is also the director of On The Edge.
Aaron Sabio’s previous articles may be viewed at
Aaron Sabio lives in Oceanside LA, is a pastor at Calvary Chapel Vista in Southern California. He enjoys coffee, volleyball, and singing with his worship band, [REVO]Collective.