For a long time, I often wondered: ‘if I made a mistake about something, did I change the whole plan God had for me?’ As silly as this may seem, I don’t doubt many others have thought the same way.
The truth is, I don’t actually have that much power, or any power at all to be able to change God’s predestined plan for my life, no matter how hard I try. Despite knowing the truth of this, I can often fall short of remembering that God has it all under control.
It can be tough going through something and feeling so strong about a decision, for example, like deciding what group of friends to associate with—especially during the teenage years! Very soon, or down the track, you realise you may have been on the verge of being led down a path you wanted nothing to do with.
He knows
This morning when I woke up, God already knew what kind of workload I would have to deal with throughout the day. He already knew about the phone call I would get about a job, He already knew that email would come through about my Uni degree, and He knows so much more—all the way down to the simplest things.
Despite our felt failures, they are not failures to God. They are just opportunities for God to use as a way of building us. He uses these ‘failures’ for good. Maybe our mistakes were actually just God adjusting our thoughts, our situation, our perspective.
God is not an antagonist. He cares a great deal for you and I—that is no mistake. The pain we feel is just resilience building up within us. A new thing will be born from the hardships we face.
“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah chapter 43:19)
Making us uncomfortable within our comfortable is a huge Christian trait. We were never created to live a life without obstacles because that is what eternity will be like once we complete the roles of our calling on our lives.
“But now that you know God–or rather are known by God–how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable forces? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again?” (Galatians chapter 4 verse 9)
Here is a thought – what if everything you are going through right now is actually preparing you for what you have been praying for? Maybe it is something that seems so harsh and there is no light being let into your life.
What if God is trying to get you to focus on Him through the storm? Maybe you are being attacked or bullied in school, University or the workplace. What if God is actually trying to strengthen you with what He knows you are capable of facing?
These harsh realities can make one question ‘Why would you let this happen to me, God?’, but we should really be asking God ‘What can I learn through this to better myself for Your future works?’
No matter how many mistakes I have made, no matter how many friendships I have lost, or unintentionally destroyed, no matter how impossible life can feel sometimes, how we let it affect us is completely up to us. It is all based off our perspective. I cannot afford to lose sight of who God created me to be, and that all comes down to whether or not we can choose to let challenges defeat us, or to strengthen us.
I can never lower my self-worth so far down that I limit my prayers from being something extraordinary to something ordinary, all because I think I am unworthy, undeserving, or far too sinful for God to be able to answer my prayers.
I read a quote recently that said, ‘You’re not praying because of who you are – you are praying because of who He is.’ That is so extremely powerful.
When I pray, I pray because I am acknowledging that God is bigger than all of what is around me. I am putting my faith, my trust, and my situation into His mighty hands.
The great thing is, it doesn’t matter how far I fall short of my capabilities or how God sees me, even when I think I am undeserving of even grasping God’s ear, He has already had His hand upon my life and has been working within it this whole time.
So please don’t worry yourself about those jobs that keep falling through, or that person at work who pushes your buttons more often than not, or that relationship you once thought would be forever but could not be.
God loves you and is so compassionate, so merciful, so forgiving, and completely loving that all He wants to do for us is make sure we live a fulfilled life in His name so we can spend eternity with Him, glorifying Him.
Ask God to fill you with peace and confidence, and don’t dwell in your mistakes but see them as an opportunity to grow and have a fuller life in God.
Cartia Moore is a sword fighter, trained and skilled in the art of fencing. She is currently studying a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Screen & Media Studies, and minoring in Drama and Creative Writing. Her focus is film, television and swordfighting sequences. She is a youth leader, and has a passion for bringing young girls to God and helping them to seek and find their worth and value in Him.
Cartia Moore’s previous articles may be viewed at
Cartia Moore is a sword fighter, trained and skilled in the art of fencing. She has recently graduated from her Bachelor of Arts degree and has completed an Honours in Screen & Media Studies. She is now going on to do a Master of Teaching (Secondary), focusing in the teaching areas of English and Film studies. She is passionate and driven to inspire and encourage others to seek and find their worth and value in Him.
Cartia Moore’s previous articles may be viewed at