Have you ever watched a child throw tantrum and whiny all as a result of tiredness? You may even hear the parent or babysitter say to the child that if they would just stop resisting being cradled and rocked then their agitation would dissolve.
Similarly, Jesus is calling us to come to him when we are weary and burdened down with life, and he promises to give us rest (Matthew 11 chapter verse 28). However, I can testify that I struggled with going to the Lord about the mental and physical stress which was weighing me down.
A friend reminded me to make time to rest in the presence of the Lord as well as sleep. My quick remark of “I don’t have time to sleep and I continue to fail at sitting still long enough to vent to God” received a sarcastic raised eyebrow and crossed arms. I could hear the “oh really” without her speaking a word because I too couldn't believe I was saying I didn't have time to pray or spend in God's presence. I had faith for better days and confident of where to rest; however, just like a child fighting their sleep I was prolonging the process and adding to my weariness.
The little matters
Weak or strong it doesn't matter how we come, all that matters is that we bring our all. One of the major reasons I made excuses to intentionally seek rest in God was because I didn't want another broken session. I desire like most of us to truly have our good days outweigh the day ones. So, I didn't want my all to be mixed with halves and shattered pieces.
In retrospect, those thoughts make no sense because the LORD specializes in being the potter who puts broken pieces back together again. The answer Paul received concerning his thorns of life is a reminder that the Lord’s grace is sufficient and his power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians chapter 12). You don’t have to pre-arrange before coming to God, and he is is not bothered by us running to him when we have issues.
There is no merit for being the child of God with less trails; it doesn’t equate to any level of elevation. Maturity not the types of experiences we have but the manner in which we handle them. Truth be told, some of us have mishandled seasons of favor and peace because we didn’t seek strategic wisdom from God on what to build, restore, or create during that time. No matter what season of life we are in -- peace or total chaos-- we are to the all-knowing, gracious, and healing Presence of our Lord.
Tapping into Faith
According to the 2 Peter chapter one verse three and four, we are already equipped with everything we need to live godly life. So, the answer to fatigue caused by anxiety and stress lives on the inside of us. We have been given the Spirit of God to lead us into all truth, and the truth is nothing will overtake us when we stand in our fortified refugee-- Jesus Christ. Truth also says that greater is he who is within us than the forces of darkness fighting against us in the world.
As for me, anxiety and insomnia were the dark forces taunting me as every task in my life screamed high priority. In those types of moments, it is important to remind ourselves that without rest whatever we produce won’t be of value because it wasn’t done with clear vision or faith.
Everything we do must be unto the glory of God. Tapping into faith requires a glory perspective. It is imperative when we feel depleted to make sure we seek to see things through God’s eyes. Shifting perspectives when fatigued helps us to not walk in the flesh; it also reveals a way of escape we didn’t see at ground level.
Tamika P. Smith lives in Texas, U.S.A. where she enjoys teaching high school students. She serves in the children, women, and prison ministry at her church.
Tamika P. Smith lives in Texas, U.S.A. where she enjoys teaching high school students. She serves in the children, women, and prison ministry at her church.