Many of us can recollect our childhood when we were our parents’ “angel”. Prized, treasured, stainless, and sinless lambs. We were walking gifts from God. But, as time progressed, we become infiltrated by the world’s norms, ideologies, and the colourful and deceptive art of sin.
We became private liability shareholders of our life- which means full accountability for our actions, including the innumerable documented sins in the Book of Life.
Sin, the thing that keeps you from missing the mark with God or others; and a means to condemnation by peers and leaders who sometimes wave past filthy garments in your face, even after being “clothe(d) with change of raiment” (Zechariah chapter 3, verse 4).
The inevitability of sin never condones the act. Neither does it warrant trees whistling wrongs at struggling believers’ every move.
I can recollect fellowshipping with a group of youths who maligned two other young persons who had been participating in fornication for a while back and had to seek counseling to overcome this sin. Whilst fornication is a sin, that group of youth held themselves in high esteem in comparison to the couple as though they thought they too had not fallen into sin.
Paul enlightens us in Romans chapter 3, verses 23 and 24, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:”
Sin is sin. Whether it is fornication, gossiping, stealing or a ‘petty’ lie, it is all sin. We all sin. Ever so often, we ought to evaluate and remember Jesus’ charge, “…he that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her” (St. John chapter 8, verse 7).
Our culture sometimes rewards the gossipers of sin who broadcast the mess in the pit that may become that person’s message to and in the palace - their testimony of God’s saving grace.
“How could the people who God says that love me, condemn me?” a female counterpart sobbed. She had just lost her prized ticket of ‘virginity’ but because of the culture aforementioned, she preferred to mask the broken covenant rather than seek help to overcome her struggle with sin.
I questioned her seemingly fearful decision, then she explained that the shame and changed treatment she’d receive from her elders and spiritual leaders was not something she was gallant enough to partake in.
She was fearful of the verdict to be laid by persons who would know, the everlasting stain of not being prized in relation to marriage, and never feeling forgiven or loved by God as she too had become dethroned and crowned another statistical ‘fallen angel’.
The Gift of Forgiveness
What I had wished I had mustered the courage to tell the group of youths is what Pastor Michael Todd said, “You sinned! Everybody sins! No matter how much scripture you read. No matter how many worship songs you sing. No matter how many days of the week you go to pray at 5 AM, you sin!”
Sadly, most Christians haven’t yet mastered the truth that Forgiveness is a primary spiritual discipline of every Christ-follower.
Understand that you need to:
1. Learn to value the grace and forgiveness that God has given you.
Until then you will never be able to be an extension of His love to others.
“And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” (St. Matthew chapter 6, verse 12). You exercise horizontal forgiveness with others because Jesus bartered his life on the cross at Calvary with His nail-pierced hands for our sinful ways.
2.Release your self-righteousness
You cannot extend forgiveness to someone if you think that you’re better than that person.
Yes, your sin might not be sexual immorality in the form of lust, premarital sex, homosexuality, masturbation, or adultery; but you may struggle with uncaged lying lips or crowning idols upon your heart which is as equal of a sin as any other.
Let the Word of God – that is truth and life – convert their hearts and lives. Do not burden yourself to malign them, but “pray (for them) without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians chapter 5, verse 17). This conversion births spiritual growth and annihilation of sin which is “by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony ” (Revelation chapter 12, verse 11).
A Quick Self-Evaluation, Please.
Remember when you were young and in your prime of sin? Do you remember how you use to galivant and mirrored the heathen behaviour?
The Pentecostal City Mission Church, Youth People’s Group theme song sings,
“When you were far away, how we used to sing and pray,
But by and by the Lord saved you and me.”
Let us try and win souls for the Kingdom of God. We, His ambassadors, are confidants and accountability partners for each other. Never find joy in belittling another soldier, but find peace in sharing the love of God to those angels that have fallen.

Anneque Bennett is a vying, industrious, persistent and gallant young virtuous woman of God from Jamaica, West Indies. Her dexterity births creativity cocooned by flexibility. She possesses an eye for complexity and a magnitude of focus to complete tasks and assist others in every possible way. She loves to communicate and interact with youths on different levels and share in their experiences and serves as a mentor and youth empowerment leader. She engages heavily in promoting and marketing different products: where she also serves as a host/emcee and at times, public speaker. She finds outdoor very amusing and love to bask in nature as she puts pen to paper. She enjoys road trips, hiking and documenting each moment through fun pictures and videos and her best friend – a purple journal. #Adventure