Being a daughter or son of God is like building a business or constructing an essay. The latter sometimes requires bankruptcy or deleting the entire idea and starting from scratch. God, our Father, does not require us to start from scratch when we fail. However, he commands that we repent, turn to God, and walk forward into the refreshing presence of the Lord (Acts, chapter 3, verse 19).
How many times have you--in the past or present-- found yourself going to the Genesis of your relationship with God? Do you maybe put yourself through a “Salvation 101” crash course and “How To Become a Christian 2.0” after being chastised by the Holy Spirit? These are ways we often self-adjust after conviction, rebuke, or sin.
Yet, reading through every deepen your relationship with Jesus in thirty days devotional will not regenerate us. We are only left with flesh simulated winds of refreshing. Just like a child, we grow and learn and mess up. In the midst of it all, we figure out what pleases our parents as well as honors them.
Leaving wonder behind
“God wants us to live free from shame and condemnation, but freedom isn’t a license to live reckless and abuse the love and grace of God. Freedom is married [to] conviction.” - Justin Foster
The grace of God is defined as unmerited favor, and someone with some biblical background knowledge might exactly pinpoint what that means. While seeking the depths of what grace meant, I found some parts of its complex nature that resonated with me. Grace is our reward of spiritual worthiness through Christ; it is a divine influence that imports strength during trials and temptation.
There is enough grace within glory for us to fail while a daughter or son and still be God’s child. Coming of age does not deplete the kindness, patience, or grace of our Father. The unconditional love parents, especially mothers, have for their children is the same God has for us. God is love, and he imparted that godly type love to live within their DNA as well. Like children throwing themselves in the lap of their father, we don’t have to wonder if the chastisement we receive hours ago causes God to neglect our present affliction.
Condemnation is a result of walking around in wonder about the forgiveness of God. However, grace is the loving kindness that has drawn us to repentance, and it displays the beautiful sovereignty of our LORD (Romans chapter 2 verse 4; Matthew chapter 5, verse 16). Through us others are able to see and experience God’s grace and glory. Kelly Balarie wrote, “We have seen glory, to shine glory. We shine glory, so that others may believe.” Conviction and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit helps to thrusts us forward to walk out the from we have in Christ.
He sees glory in you
Whatever we do, we are to do it unto the glory of God because we are visual representation of his character (1 Corinthians chapter 10, verse 31). Jesus modeled this behavior and strongly spoke of how important it was to be about his Father’s business. Being about “our Father’s business” produces what I call glory fruit; it pleases God that we bear fruit that generate his features. Three fruits I am working to cultivate for a more abundant harvest in this season are patience, joy, and peace. I desire to produce more of this fruit because I see how much it is needed in the world. To spread that glory fruit I must first house that glory.
Losing site of what matter is easy. But if we can remember that God’s love has graced us to walk in freedom, trusting God, producing glory fruit, and forgiving ourselves/others just might get easier.
Tamika P. Smith lives in Texas, U.S.A. where she enjoys teaching high school students. She serves in the children, women, and prison ministry at her church.

Tamika P. Smith lives in Texas, U.S.A. where she enjoys teaching high school students. She serves in the children, women, and prison ministry at her church.