Somewhat morbidly perhaps, I sat down to type into a computer folder the songs and Bible verses I had in mind for my…funeral. One of those songs has this verse in it: “As wounds which mar the Chosen One, bring many sons to glory”.
This reminded me of: In bringing many sons to glory it was fitting that God…should make the ‘Author’ of their salvation perfect through suffering. (Hebrews chapter 2 verse 10).
What does it mean that Jesus is the ‘author’ of our salvation? God made us alive with Christ [spiritually] even when we were dead in transgressions [sins/spiritually]…And He raised us up with Christ…in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians chapter 2 verses 5/6).
Peter said to the Jews that they had betrayed Jesus to the authorities and had killed the “author of life” whom God the Father spectacularly raised again to life. (Acts chapter 3 verse 15).
How was Jesus made perfect through suffering?
My Study Bible footnote says that: Those who believe in Christ are made God’s children through His only Son. Elsewhere we read that: to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name [Christians] He gave the right to become children of God…born of Him. (John chapter 1 verses 12/13).
Further, it states that Jesus’ incarnation was completed (perfected) when He experienced suffering. AfterHis suffering [crucifixion] He showed Himself…and gave many convincing proofs that He was alive [again]. (Acts chapter 1 verse 3).
Author of our salvation
At His brutal death on the cross of murderous illegality, Jesus had identified Himself with us at the deepest level of anguish we could ever experience. He: shared in our humanity so that by His death He might destroy him who holds the power of death - that is the devil - and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. (Hebrews chapter 2 verses 14/15).
“Why shouldest thou be afraid to die, who hopest to live by dying?” William Gurnall
Jesus proved He was fully human: that He was as subject to the extinguishment of His humanity as we are of ours, and thus demonstrated His mortality. He willingly substituted His humanity for mine and so saved mine (including my soul): that inner essence of us that no man can kill. He purchased me with His own life blood.
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. (Matthew chapter 10 verse 28a). Jesus went on to say: Rather be afraid of [reverently fear] the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. ( Matt. 10:28b).
At the moment Jesus said: It is finished, and His head slumped onto His chest in death, He knew He had paid in full once and for all time the ultimate penalty for all the ungodliness and godlessness committed throughout the whole of human history.
Resurrection Sunday
By His spectacular resurrection Jesus demonstrated that He had conquered the last enemy of life vis. death, and proved beyond doubt that there is life beyond the grave. He defeated Satan and freed those who: all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.(Hebrews chapter 2 verses 15).
He was raised to life for our justification, (Romans 4:25), demonstrated His immortality, and brought: glory to God the Father. (Philippians chapter 2 verse 11).
There is: therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus because through Him the law of the Spirit of life [sets us] free from the law of sin and death. (Romans chapter 8 verses 1/2).
As the author of my book, I brought it into being: it didn’t write itself. Jesus brought my salvation to fulfilment, He perfected it, completed it. He could have avoided it and in His humanity He asked the Father to allow this cup (crucifixion) to pass from Him but: not My will but Yours’ be done.
Notwithstanding cremation we are receiving: the goal of our faith, the salvation of our souls. (1 Peter chapter 1 verse 9).
His motivation
Why did He do that for me? How/why could I have been worth it? As the great song ‘How Deep The Father’s Love For Us’ goes: “That He should give His only Son, To make a wretch [me] His treasure’!! Why should I gain from His reward? I cannot give an answer”.
Poppi’s funeral
I know what I would like sung at my funeral. Their order would be:
- How Deep the Father’s Love
- Because He Lives, and
- It Is Well With My Soul, but perhaps: What Will You Do With Jesus?
In heaven they held golden bowls full of the prayers of the saints, and sang a new song: You were slain and with Your blood You purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. (Revelation chapter 5 verses 8&9). How inclusive is that? Heaven includes: a multitude of saints that no man can count.
The immense act of selfless sacrifice, obedience unto death, and supreme love: for me: for you: for everyone was performed for millions/billions (?) of us down through the centuries. Indeed for the whole of humanity although the vast majority refuse to appropriate it for themselves, and in the process become the authors of their own destiny.
Why we can face tomorrow
The final verse of ‘Because He Lives’, the favourite hymn of my dearly beloved is:
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, All fear is gone
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living Just because He lives.
Yep! That’s all I want.

Gavin Lawrie is a retired Barrister and Solicitor from Tweed Heads NSW Australia and author of the book: 'THE EVIDENCE OF EVOLUTION: Uncovering The Faulty Science Of Dawkins' Attack On Creationism'. He is married to Jan with two adult children and they are grandparents.
Gavin Lawrie's previous articles may be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/gavin-lawrie.html