Hey there, hope you are all doing well! As I mentioned in my last article, this year I am making a video every week. This week’s video is about… how to talk to the ladies. Click on this link here to view the video — https://youtu.be/NCCX1ibCsSo .
Basically, I did this video because I often notice that there are lots of guys who struggle to talk to females. I also often find lots of guys that talk to women in ways that are degrading, disrespectful, and straight up rude, and as Christians we can be better than that. So have a watch, like, comment, subscribe, and may your conversations with the ladies (even if you are a lady ;) be beautiful and blessed!
Blessings, Jared
Jared Diprose is a self-employed Artisan. He has a degree in theology, and believes that words shape worlds. He is married to Sierra. You can see some of his work at www.jareddiprose.co.nz or on instagram ‘@jareddiprose’, and search for me on YouTube (Jared Diprose).
Jared Diprose’s previous articles may be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/jared-diprose.html
Jared Diprose is a graduate from Carey Baptist College in New Zealand. He has been a youth pastor, and currently is working as a freelance contractor. He and his wife Sierra live in Auckland.