Five years ago I wrote about getting my wisdom teeth extracted. Back then, despite sleep and a few pain killers – the best way I have found to reduce soreness is a good old ice pack. The feeling of the pain being numbed and the swelling going down instantly makes the whole situation so much better.
So what do my wisdom teeth and an ice pack have to do with this article? Good question.
Temporary pain relief
An ice pack’s job is commonly used as a cold compress to alleviate the pain of minor injuries and provide temporary relief. It then dawned on me, how many times I have used something, other than God, to reduce or “numb” the pain from a situation emotionally, mentally and even physically.
How often have I whinged and stressed to family and friends about a situation before coming to God with it to provide his grace and wisdom?
How often have I gone straight to the pain killers before praying for healing?
How often have I needed a run or gym session to feel less stressed before even asking God for his peace?
Eternal Fix
Each of the above circumstances are not wrong. However, the problem with ice packs are that although they feel good for a while, when the ice pack becomes warm or needs to be removed, the area affected is still sore, begins to swell and still needs the time to heal.
That is – it was only a temporary fix.
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4 verses 16 – 18 (NIV)
Removing my wisdom teeth may have increased my wisdom ironically, as I know that the only way that I will feel 100% is giving my body the time it needs to recover.
Therefore, any temporary fix will not do – but focusing on Jesus Christ whose eternal nature was the same yesterday, today and forever will just do it. (Hebrews 13 verse 8 NIV)
Knowing what he did yesterday, makes me sure that my tomorrow will be in the best hands it could be and that’s worth waiting for.
This is my message as I am getting married in a few weeks. I'm excited. Will I need an ice pack to calm me down?
Meenal Chandra is a Sydney based writer who has needed an ice pack or two recently.
Meenal Chandra previous articles may be viewed at