There are a myriad of opinions and expressions of interest in relation to the Covid 19 pandemic that now might a time to discuss some of these.
New Zealand Model
Small country, small population, isolated, a wealthy nation, a nation of reasonably educated populace, and their national policy was to lockdown heavily and prevent by any means to reduce the spread of this virus.
For six weeks, apart from medical visits, supermarket food supplies and essential work – you were home and locked in. After the lockdown that saw the virus contained, family members attending a wedding party from the UK came into New Zealand, unknowingly infected with Covid 19 and jumped upon from a great height.
As we speak, New Zealand once again has Covid 19 – how it came in is under enquiry..
Australian Model
Each State in conjunction with the Federal Government controlled various aspects of Covid 19 prevention. This meant a bit of a dogs breakfast as each of the State’s Premiers (head political person) controlled the science, the borders, the philosophy, the travel …
The Federal Government enacted legislation and actions that were constitutional within the legal framework of the 1901 Constitution. Each State at various time and under specific circumstances announced their separate policies. Examples, WA, SA and Qld have hard locked downs on State borders.
Meanwhile Victoria had several major Codid 19 outbreaks mainly in high rise complexes near the city centre. The Victorian Government policy in one instance was to allow private security companies to self isolation situations which failed miserable. The Victorian Government is under Stage lockdown. A political digs breakfast.
NSW closed its borders to Victorians as has every other State. The line-up of traffic at Qld – NSW borders with special passes required – in that period were over 1 million downloads of Qld passes. The traffic delays were up to 2 hours or more. The current hard lockdown remains a border nightmare.
The levelling out model that Australia has endorsed has been social distancing, limiting the numbers of people in any central facility – shopping centres, clubs, sports, churches, schools, universities and the like. Some States have kept their Covid 19 numbers down, others have, let’s say not done as well.

Their national government, a little less population size to Australia - borders with Norway and Finland - decided on a different tactic. They maintained the national economy should not be put to one side, recommended social distancing and hand washing, but did not close cafes, shopping centres, clubs, churches, meeting places and the like. They had a hard lockdown on aged care centres.
The interesting thing is that the graphs show a high percentage of older people yielding to Covid 19 and a large number dying – the Over 80s in particular – but for the major part of the population, many got sick, but nothing more. Last weekend it was revealed their policies have had positive outcomes.
A careful analysis illustrated that their health system coped with this phenomena and their economy was maintained. There is much consternation over this model. Let it be said international “medical experts” continually reassess – reputations are at stake.
USA, Brazil, Europe, UK
Each = separate yet similar. The USA has left in large part, and constitutionally correct, to the State Governor’s to establish their own policies. This is no judgement, but an appraisal of the statistics, that largely, States with Democratic politic has witnessed a far greater Covid 19 failure.
Brazil is different again in that their political claim has been Covid 19 is no more than a dangerous flu – as a result large numbers of people have died, but not as the doomsayers claim, again mostly elderly people.
Europe has followed the same heavy lines of social distancing, hand washing and restrictions and like Victoria in Australia experienced heavy Covid 19 ‘spots’. The UK Prime Minister came down with Covid 19 and some say almost died. But he survived and celebrated the birth of a baby son. The UK too has seen Victoria like outbreaks.

Middle East, Indonesia and China
There was pretty clear evidence that Covid 19 was initially seen as a disease which would not affect them but soon realised it did. Indonesia likewise and only recently put in strict rulings. Bali which is Australia’s playground it reported to be Covid 19 positive.
China has been limited on how far this disease spread and the numbers that died. We know of doctors who died and who tried to blow the whistle. Another whistle blower last week revealed a lot more.
China wants to fight the entire world with its heavy handed political threats and manoeuvrings – nothing escapes the realities of such behaviour. It will be interesting to see which political leaders survive after Covid 19.
In my view, I sense the mood has changed. Populations are sick to death (excuse the pun) including Australians, of being restricted and the carry-on and are now far more willing to go about their daily routines without the heavy hand of politicians determining their every move.
There will be a realisation that Covid 19 has changed the way we live – social distancing and hand washing will remain for some time - churches have found new ways to communicate outside the church walls. But as for doctors being the politicians mouth piece – has done the medical profession much harm.

Dr Mark Tronson - a 4 min video
Chairman – Well-Being Australia
Baptist Minister 45 years
- 1984 - Australian cricket team chaplain 17 years (Ret)
- 2001 - Life After Cricket (18 years Ret)
- 2009 - Olympic Ministry Medal – presented by Carl Lewis
- 2019 - The Gutenberg - (ARPA Christian Media premier award)
Gutenberg video - 2min 14sec
Married to Delma for 45 years with 4 children and 6 grand children