One of the famous Bible verses in the book of John says, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name” (John chapter 1 verse 12). How many of us truly understand the power and the massive weight of the Father’s love poured out in these words that we have become His children as we believed in His only Begotten Son?
Overtime, as we allow ourselves to be part of the ministry, advancing the Kingdom of God, serving others at the expense of losing ourselves, denying ourselves, overworking ourselves to death for the sake of service, the enemy sometimes causes us to lose our childlike heart which is precious in ABBA Father’s eyes. And because of the enemy’s lies, we forget that we are a child in the Father’s eyes and we live having a God in our lives but not as a Father to us. We forget that as His children, the Father also takes interest and will respond to our personal desires, concerns, dreams, and goals in life and not just ministry concerns or Kingdom matters. Matthew chapter 7 verse 11 says, “If you then,being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”
From orphan believer to royalty in Christ Jesus
I remembered that my early Christian days of not knowing the Father felt like I was hanging on and simply surviving in my Christian life. I honestly even thought I was living like Jesus – extremely poor, suffering and bleeding on the inside, serving others with joy yet deep in my heart scared to personally receive the greater plans God has for my life as His child and to really live from the abundance and overflow in Christ. I didn’t know that I was orphan at heart even as a believer; meaning I lived my life knowing about the Father but living like I did not have one. I was like the elder brother in the Parable of the Prodigal Son (see Luke chapter 15 verses 11-32) who worked his whole life pleasing his father but had forgotten about his identity as a son.
I thought I lived like Jesus yet not knowing my full rights as a child of God which Jesus Christ paid for on the cross. But then “we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God-those whom he has called according to his plan” (Romans chapter 8 verse 28). As the spirit of poverty hit me so hard at that time, I knew I hit the limits of myself and so tapped into something higher as I come to God demanding my rights as His child. I remember the words I told Him back then, “If I am truly Your princess and that You are my Father who is the owner of heaven and earth, why am I hungry? Why am I experiencing all these hardships like I am not a child of God? This is not right!” Not long after those moments that my faith became truly aligned to will and promises of God in His Words and I began to walk in them. Breakthrough after breakthrough came to me and my husband’s life; from financial breakthrough, to freedom from debts, to emotional healing and restoration at the core of my soul. It was also then that I came to encounter Heavenly Father through Fatherheart Ministries and an understanding of the Triune God that radically changed my life. I suddenly began walking in royalty as a child of God and powerfully felt the enemy loosed its grip over my life and he’s just done. He can no longer lie to me or take me to a position or situation that a royal son and daughter of God shouldn’t be in. It was then that my perspective of John chapter 1 verse 12 totally changed.
Powerful sons and daughters of God
I believed that Heavenly Father wants our hearts back to Him as His child. He wants us to fully walk in our identity as children of God especially this season and to remind us that we are His and that everything that belongs to Him belongs to us made possible through Christ Jesus. And as co-heirs with Christ, we are powerful and not victims of our situations. We are the head and not the tail; truly salt and light of this world as we walk in our identity as sons and daughters, fully secured, immovable by anything, and powerful in Christ Jesus as God moves in His responsibilities as our Father while we accomplish His will on earth.
You are a child of God, a child of the all-knowing, all-powerful, magnificent, loving, and faithful Heavenly Father who “did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t He also give us everything else?” (Romans chapter 8 verse 32).
I prophesy in the mighty name of Jesus that the enemy loses his grip over every areas of your life and that you live in the victory and the abundance of what Jesus Christ paid for on the cross. You are a powerful child of God in Jesus’ name!

Lovely Lao is a Sunday school teacher and is involved in children’s ministry at a local church. She is a passionate lover of God and people, especially children. Jesus is her ultimate joy and excitement in life and she is hungry to know and learn more about him. She is also married to a youth pastor who is a man after God’s heart.
Lovely Lao’s previous articles may be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/lovely-salcedo.html